1.Install node js. 2. Visual Studio Code 2019. 3. Install dotnet ef global tool using this command "dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef".
- Download the repositories.
- Then go to the "Product-Inventory-ERP-System" Folder.
- Open the or click "Update Database.bat" file that will be update database.
- To Open Application first Open the "Run Data Server.bat" then open the "Run Client Site.bat" File.
- Go to the "Product-Inventory-ERP-System" Folder then you can find the all of folder about application.
- Model => DatabaseModel.cs File.
- Migrations => Database Migrations files.
- Controllers => Home Controller, ProductType Controller, Category Controller, Product Controller.
- Model => RandomStringGenerator.cs this file is use Generate random string for _Key Properties.
- Views => You will find the all of Razor Views files.
- wwwwroot => You will find Client Side Validation and some framwork.
- ASP.NET Core Framework 5.
- Entity Framework Core.
- MS SQL Server.
- C# Programming Language.
- Bootstrap 5 CSS Framework.
- Code-First approach of system development.
- One to Many Relationship Database.
- Code-First approach in Model.
- Data Anotation Server Side.
- Data Anotation Client Side.
- Partial View in Navigation.
- Partial View with AJAX.
- Custom validation for prevent to pick future date.