Famous algorithm implementations for playing with
The algorithms contained here were (originally) the result of a workshop held in Mexico city during December of 2015. So, please be careful because they could be a bit spicy.
As generative systems use algorithms for its different functionalities, I was interested in make those processes obvious in order to be able to reflect on them and on the possibilities they open from a creative perspective. For that purpose, we started by working with some on the most famous algorithms (bubble sort and insertion sort, for example). Then, we copied, modified, and wrote code, until we had the desired result.
The algorithms were designed to produce outputs containing the different steps of the process. For example, the bubble sort algorithm gives an array of arrays containing each iteration over the input array in the sorting process. Most of the implementations are written in supercollider, but we were not interested in the programming language but in the idea and the processes.
Some inspiring links to think about algorithms form an aesthetic point of view are: