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bearriver: Port module FRP.Yampa.Event to bearriver. Refs #380.
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The module FRP.Yampa.Event is being offered by Yampa, but not bearriver.
This makes the interface offered by bearriver not compliant with Yampa,
therefore not delivering on the promise of being API-compatible.

This commit adds the module FRP.Yampa.Event into bearriver, as
FRP.BearRiver.Event. Several definitions that existed in FRP.BearRiver
but belong in this new Event module are moved accordingly and
re-exported as needed.

The module is also structured and commented similar to Yampa's
counterpart, to minimize the differences between the two and reduce the
maintenance burden.

Some definitions pertaining to Events, like those to convert from types
Bool, and those to convert Event to Maybe, are not offered by Yampa, so
they are left in the BearRiver module although they might conceptually
fit best in a module dealing with Events. Those functions will have to
be made private, be removed, or be introduced in Yampa before they are
introduced in BearRiver.
  • Loading branch information
ivanperez-keera committed Oct 21, 2023
1 parent 3f8a8e9 commit f9630ad
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Showing 3 changed files with 288 additions and 219 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dunai-frp-bearriver/bearriver.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ library

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220 changes: 1 addition & 219 deletions dunai-frp-bearriver/src/FRP/BearRiver.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,77 +47,12 @@ import Data.MonadicStreamFunction as X hiding
import Data.MonadicStreamFunction.InternalCore (MSF (MSF, unMSF))
import FRP.BearRiver.Arrow as X
import FRP.BearRiver.Basic as X
import FRP.BearRiver.Event as X
import FRP.BearRiver.InternalCore as X

-- Internal imports (dunai, instances)
import Data.MonadicStreamFunction.Instances.ArrowLoop () -- not needed, just
-- re-exported

-- * Basic definitions

-- | A single possible event occurrence, that is, a value that may or may not
-- occur. Events are used to represent values that are not produced
-- continuously, such as mouse clicks (only produced when the mouse is clicked,
-- as opposed to mouse positions, which are always defined).
data Event a = Event a | NoEvent
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | The type 'Event' is isomorphic to 'Maybe'. The 'Functor' instance of
-- 'Event' is analogous to the 'Functor' instance of 'Maybe', where the given
-- function is applied to the value inside the 'Event', if any.
instance Functor Event where
fmap _ NoEvent = NoEvent
fmap f (Event c) = Event (f c)

-- | The type 'Event' is isomorphic to 'Maybe'. The 'Applicative' instance of
-- 'Event' is analogous to the 'Applicative' instance of 'Maybe', where the
-- lack of a value (i.e., 'NoEvent') causes '(<*>)' to produce no value
-- ('NoEvent').
instance Applicative Event where
pure = Event

Event f <*> Event x = Event (f x)
_ <*> _ = NoEvent

-- | The type 'Event' is isomorphic to 'Maybe'. The 'Monad' instance of 'Event'
-- is analogous to the 'Monad' instance of 'Maybe', where the lack of a value
-- (i.e., 'NoEvent') causes bind to produce no value ('NoEvent').
instance Monad Event where
return = pure

Event x >>= f = f x
NoEvent >>= _ = NoEvent

-- | MonadFail instance
instance Fail.MonadFail Event where
-- | Fail with 'NoEvent'.
fail _ = NoEvent

-- | Alternative instance
instance Alternative Event where
-- | An empty alternative carries no event, so it is ignored.
empty = NoEvent
-- | Merge favouring the left event ('NoEvent' only if both are 'NoEvent').
NoEvent <|> r = r
l <|> _ = l

-- | NFData instance
instance NFData a => NFData (Event a) where
-- | Evaluate value carried by event.
rnf NoEvent = ()
rnf (Event a) = rnf a `seq` ()

-- ** Lifting

-- | Lifts a pure function into a signal function (applied pointwise).
arrPrim :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> SF m a b
arrPrim = arr

-- | Lifts a pure function into a signal function applied to events (applied
-- pointwise).
arrEPrim :: Monad m => (Event a -> b) -> SF m (Event a) b
arrEPrim = arr

-- * Signal functions

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,10 +232,6 @@ edgeBy :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Maybe b) -> a -> SF m a (Event b)
edgeBy isEdge aPrev = MSF $ \a ->
return (maybeToEvent (isEdge aPrev a), edgeBy isEdge a)

-- | Convert a maybe value into a event ('Event' is isomorphic to 'Maybe').
maybeToEvent :: Maybe a -> Event a
maybeToEvent = maybe NoEvent Event

-- | A rising edge detector that can be initialized as up ('True', meaning that
-- events occurring at time 0 will not be detected) or down ('False', meaning
-- that events occurring at time 0 will be detected).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,155 +267,6 @@ dropEvents n | n <= 0 = identity
dropEvents n =
dSwitch (never &&& identity) (const (NoEvent >-- dropEvents (n - 1)))

-- * Pointwise functions on events

-- | Make the NoEvent constructor available. Useful e.g. for initialization,
-- ((-->) & friends), and it's easily available anyway (e.g. mergeEvents []).
noEvent :: Event a
noEvent = NoEvent

-- | Suppress any event in the first component of a pair.
noEventFst :: (Event a, b) -> (Event c, b)
noEventFst (_, b) = (NoEvent, b)

-- | Suppress any event in the second component of a pair.
noEventSnd :: (a, Event b) -> (a, Event c)
noEventSnd (a, _) = (a, NoEvent)

-- | An event-based version of the maybe function.
event :: a -> (b -> a) -> Event b -> a
event _ f (Event x) = f x
event x _ NoEvent = x

-- | Extract the value from an event. Fails if there is no event.
fromEvent :: Event a -> a
fromEvent (Event x) = x
fromEvent _ = error "fromEvent NoEvent"

-- | Tests whether the input represents an actual event.
isEvent :: Event a -> Bool
isEvent (Event _) = True
isEvent _ = False

-- | Negation of 'isEvent'.
isNoEvent :: Event a -> Bool
isNoEvent (Event _) = False
isNoEvent _ = True

-- | Tags an (occurring) event with a value ("replacing" the old value).
-- Applicative-based definition:
-- tag = ($>)
tag :: Event a -> b -> Event b
tag NoEvent _ = NoEvent
tag (Event _) b = Event b

-- | Tags an (occurring) event with a value ("replacing" the old value). Same
-- as 'tag' with the arguments swapped.
-- Applicative-based definition:
-- tagWith = (<$)
tagWith :: b -> Event a -> Event b
tagWith = flip tag

-- | Attaches an extra value to the value of an occurring event.
attach :: Event a -> b -> Event (a, b)
e `attach` b = fmap (\a -> (a, b)) e

-- | Left-biased event merge (always prefer left event, if present).
lMerge :: Event a -> Event a -> Event a
lMerge = mergeBy (\e1 _ -> e1)

-- | Right-biased event merge (always prefer right event, if present).
rMerge :: Event a -> Event a -> Event a
rMerge = flip lMerge

-- | Unbiased event merge: simultaneous occurrence is an error.
merge :: Event a -> Event a -> Event a
merge = mergeBy $ error "Bearriver: merge: Simultaneous event occurrence."

-- Applicative-based definition:
-- mergeBy f le re = (f <$> le <*> re) <|> le <|> re
mergeBy :: (a -> a -> a) -> Event a -> Event a -> Event a
mergeBy _ NoEvent NoEvent = NoEvent
mergeBy _ le@(Event _) NoEvent = le
mergeBy _ NoEvent re@(Event _) = re
mergeBy resolve (Event l) (Event r) = Event (resolve l r)

-- | A generic event merge-map utility that maps event occurrences, merging the
-- results. The first three arguments are mapping functions, the third of which
-- will only be used when both events are present. Therefore, 'mergeBy' =
-- 'mapMerge' 'id' 'id'
-- Applicative-based definition:
-- mapMerge lf rf lrf le re = (f <$> le <*> re) <|> (lf <$> le) <|> (rf <$> re)
mapMerge :: (a -> c)
-- ^ Mapping function used when first event is present.
-> (b -> c)
-- ^ Mapping function used when second event is present.
-> (a -> b -> c)
-- ^ Mapping function used when both events are present.
-> Event a
-- ^ First event
-> Event b
-- ^ Second event
-> Event c
mapMerge _ _ _ NoEvent NoEvent = NoEvent
mapMerge lf _ _ (Event l) NoEvent = Event (lf l)
mapMerge _ rf _ NoEvent (Event r) = Event (rf r)
mapMerge _ _ lrf (Event l) (Event r) = Event (lrf l r)

-- | Merge a list of events; foremost event has priority.
-- Foldable-based definition:
-- mergeEvents :: Foldable t => t (Event a) -> Event a
-- mergeEvents = asum
mergeEvents :: [Event a] -> Event a
mergeEvents = foldr lMerge NoEvent

-- | Collect simultaneous event occurrences; no event if none.
catEvents :: [Event a] -> Event [a]
catEvents eas = case [ a | Event a <- eas ] of
[] -> NoEvent
as -> Event as

-- | Join (conjunction) of two events. Only produces an event if both events
-- exist.
-- Applicative-based definition:
-- joinE = liftA2 (,)
joinE :: Event a -> Event b -> Event (a, b)
joinE NoEvent _ = NoEvent
joinE _ NoEvent = NoEvent
joinE (Event l) (Event r) = Event (l, r)

-- | Split event carrying pairs into two events.
splitE :: Event (a, b) -> (Event a, Event b)
splitE NoEvent = (NoEvent, NoEvent)
splitE (Event (a, b)) = (Event a, Event b)

-- Event filtering

-- | Filter out events that don't satisfy some predicate.
filterE :: (a -> Bool) -> Event a -> Event a
filterE p e@(Event a) = if p a then e else NoEvent
filterE _ NoEvent = NoEvent

-- | Combined event mapping and filtering. Note: since 'Event' is a 'Functor',
-- see 'fmap' for a simpler version of this function with no filtering.
mapFilterE :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Event a -> Event b
mapFilterE _ NoEvent = NoEvent
mapFilterE f (Event a) = case f a of
Nothing -> NoEvent
Just b -> Event b

-- | Enable/disable event occurrences based on an external condition.
gate :: Event a -> Bool -> Event a
_ `gate` False = NoEvent
e `gate` True = e

-- * Switching

-- ** Basic switchers
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