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ogma-core: Rename options in FPrime backend for versatility. Refs nas…
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The FPrime backend used to be specialized for one file format as input,
which was reflected in the name of the options expected by the backend.

For consistency across backend, and to facilitate the introduction of
support for different kinds of file formats in the future, we rename the
backend's options to be more format-agnostic.
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ivanperez-keera committed Jan 20, 2025
1 parent ee1df78 commit 170359e
Showing 1 changed file with 48 additions and 50 deletions.
98 changes: 48 additions & 50 deletions ogma-core/src/Command/FPrimeApp.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ import Paths_ogma_core ( getDataDir )
fprimeApp :: FilePath -- ^ Target directory where the component
-- should be created.
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Directory where the template is to be found.
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ FRET Component specification file.
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Input specification file.
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ File containing a list of variables to make
-- available to Copilot.
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ File containing a list of known variables
Expand All @@ -83,17 +83,17 @@ fprimeApp :: FilePath -- ^ Target directory where the component
-- Copilot specification. The handlers are assumed
-- to receive no arguments.
-> IO (Result ErrorCode)
fprimeApp targetDir mTemplateDir fretCSFile varNameFile varDBFile handlersFile =
fprimeApp targetDir mTemplateDir fp varNameFile varDBFile handlersFile =
processResult $ do
cs <- parseOptionalFRETCS fretCSFile
spec <- parseOptionalInputFile fp
vs <- parseOptionalVariablesFile varNameFile
rs <- parseOptionalRequirementsListFile handlersFile
varDB <- parseOptionalVarDBFile varDBFile

liftEither $ checkArguments cs vs rs
liftEither $ checkArguments spec vs rs

let varNames = fromMaybe (fretCSExtractExternalVariables cs) vs
monitors = fromMaybe (fretCSExtractHandlers cs) rs
let varNames = fromMaybe (specExtractExternalVariables spec) vs
monitors = fromMaybe (specExtractHandlers spec) rs

e <- liftIO $ fprimeApp' targetDir mTemplateDir varNames varDB monitors
liftEither e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,23 +159,23 @@ fprimeApp' targetDir mTemplateDir varNames varDB monitors =

-- ** Argument processing

-- | Process FRET component spec, if available, and return its abstract
-- | Process input specification, if available, and return its abstract
-- representation.
parseOptionalFRETCS :: Maybe FilePath
-> ExceptT ErrorTriplet IO (Maybe (Spec String))
parseOptionalFRETCS Nothing = return Nothing
parseOptionalFRETCS (Just fp) = do
parseOptionalInputFile :: Maybe FilePath
-> ExceptT ErrorTriplet IO (Maybe (Spec String))
parseOptionalInputFile Nothing = return Nothing
parseOptionalInputFile (Just fp) = do
-- Throws an exception if the file cannot be read.
content <- liftIO $ B.safeReadFile fp

fretCS <- case eitherDecode =<< content of
Left e -> ExceptT $ return $ Left $ cannotOpenFRETFile fp e
Right v -> ExceptT $ do
p <- parseJSONSpec (return . return) fretFormat v
case p of
Left e -> return $ Left $ cannotOpenFRETFile fp e
Right r -> return $ Right r
return $ Just fretCS
res <- case eitherDecode =<< content of
Left e -> ExceptT $ return $ Left $ cannotOpenInputFile fp e
Right v -> ExceptT $ do
p <- parseJSONSpec (return . return) fretFormat v
case p of
Left e -> return $ Left $ cannotOpenInputFile fp e
Right r -> return $ Right r
return $ Just res

-- | Process a variable selection file, if available, and return the variable
-- names.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,11 +224,11 @@ parseOptionalVarDBFile (Just fp) = do
-- The FPrime backend provides several modes of operation, which are selected
-- by providing different arguments to the `ros` command.
-- When a FRET component specification file is provided, the variables and
-- requirements defined in it are used unless variables or handlers files are
-- provided, in which case the latter take priority.
-- When an input specification file is provided, the variables and requirements
-- defined in it are used unless variables or handlers files are provided, in
-- which case the latter take priority.
-- If a FRET file is not provided, then the user must provide BOTH a variable
-- If an input file is not provided, then the user must provide BOTH a variable
-- list, and a list of handlers.
checkArguments :: Maybe (Spec a)
-> Maybe [String]
Expand All @@ -241,21 +241,21 @@ checkArguments _ (Just []) _ = Left wrongArguments
checkArguments _ _ (Just []) = Left wrongArguments
checkArguments _ _ _ = Right ()

-- | Extract the variables from a FRET component specification, and sanitize
-- them to be used in FPrime.
fretCSExtractExternalVariables :: Maybe (Spec a) -> [String]
fretCSExtractExternalVariables Nothing = []
fretCSExtractExternalVariables (Just cs) = map sanitizeLCIdentifier
$ map externalVariableName
$ externalVariables cs

-- | Extract the requirements from a FRET component specification, and sanitize
-- them to match the names of the handlers used by Copilot.
fretCSExtractHandlers :: Maybe (Spec a) -> [String]
fretCSExtractHandlers Nothing = []
fretCSExtractHandlers (Just cs) = map handlerNameF
$ map requirementName
$ requirements cs
-- | Extract the variables from a specification, and sanitize them to be used
-- in FPrime.
specExtractExternalVariables :: Maybe (Spec a) -> [String]
specExtractExternalVariables Nothing = []
specExtractExternalVariables (Just cs) = map sanitizeLCIdentifier
$ map externalVariableName
$ externalVariables cs

-- | Extract the requirements from a specification, and sanitize them to match
-- the names of the handlers used by Copilot.
specExtractHandlers :: Maybe (Spec a) -> [String]
specExtractHandlers Nothing = []
specExtractHandlers (Just cs) = map handlerNameF
$ map requirementName
$ requirements cs
handlerNameF = ("handler" ++) . sanitizeUCIdentifier

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,18 +440,17 @@ wrongArguments =
ErrorTriplet ecWrongArguments msg LocationNothing
msg =
"the arguments provided are insufficient: you must provide a FRET "
++ "component specification file, or both a variables and a handlers "
++ "file."
"the arguments provided are insufficient: you must provide an input "
++ "specification, or both a variables and a handlers file."

-- | Exception handler to deal with the case in which the FRET CS cannot be
-- | Exception handler to deal with the case in which the input file cannot be
-- opened.
cannotOpenFRETFile :: FilePath -> String -> ErrorTriplet
cannotOpenFRETFile file _e =
ErrorTriplet ecCannotOpenFRETFile msg (LocationFile file)
cannotOpenInputFile :: FilePath -> String -> ErrorTriplet
cannotOpenInputFile file _e =
ErrorTriplet ecCannotOpenInputFile msg (LocationFile file)
msg =
"cannot open FRET component specification file " ++ file
"cannot open input specification file " ++ file

-- | Exception handler to deal with the case in which the variable DB cannot be
-- opened.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -516,10 +515,9 @@ type ErrorCode = Int
ecWrongArguments :: ErrorCode
ecWrongArguments = 1

-- | Error: the FRET component specification provided by the user cannot be
-- opened.
ecCannotOpenFRETFile :: ErrorCode
ecCannotOpenFRETFile = 1
-- | Error: the input specification provided by the user cannot be opened.
ecCannotOpenInputFile :: ErrorCode
ecCannotOpenInputFile = 1

-- | Error: the variable DB provided by the user cannot be opened.
ecCannotOpenDBUser :: ErrorCode
Expand Down

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