AKKA implementation for Play 1.2.x
I have removed the need to call play with the config.file system property. Instead I am using:
This project provides a very basic skeleton for integrating AKKA with Play 1.2.x. Everything is included in the project - to run do the following:
- in a command prompt run
play deps
- this will get the AKKA client jar - call
play run
The database is in memory and so will be cleared every time you run the project.
In your dependencies.yml file include the line
com.typesafe.akka -> akka-actor_2.10 2.1.0 // this was the latest version at time of writing
execute from the command line play deps to download the relevant libraries into your lib folder
do some IDE goodness to get the library dependencies in setup in your conf directory a reference.conf file (this will contain config info for akka on start) - look at: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.1.0/general/configuration.html
to your VM options -
Have a static class of AppContext or similar to load in the AkkaSystem - this is just so that you create once and can reference from anywhere.
Load the AKKA system with:
Config config = ConfigFactory.load(); public static final notificationSystem = ActorSystem.create("notification", config);
That should be enough to get running, then you just have to create some Actors to do your bidding.
I also got JPA working - if you try and access your models and lookup data, you will end up with an Uninitialised Entity Manager error.
Here is some example code for an actor with JPA access:
public void onReceive(Object o) throws Exception {
if (o instanceof SomeMessageType) { // create your own serializable class to transfer message data
SomeMessageType message = (SomeMessageType) o;
JPAPlugin.startTx(true); // true is to start this as a readonly transaction
// Do all the JPA goodness
JPAPlugin.closeTx(false); // false is for rollback - I use this because I am doing a readonly transaction
} else {
Hope this helps. I spent a good few hours trying to get everything working. I am now able to structure my async tasks rather than just spit out to Play Jobs.