Please use ember-d3 instead for continues D3@v4.x support as a drop in replacement. This repo is no longer maintained 🍻
is a shim for D3 4.x
, loaded from NPM as ES6 modules. It includes d3-shape
and all version 4 modules in D3 4.x
D3 Shape is a set of primitives for building complex data visualisations. Because
it depends on all the other components of D3, this package also provides all other
D3 v4.0
packages (see below for a list).
This addon is just a shim, if you're looking for a more high level visualisation addon, check out maximum-plaid.
Each package is importable as per the D3 documentation for each package.
This also means that you don't need to import the entire d3.js
build into your App if you
only need a function or two. For example, check out d3-array for
an extensive library of useful Array functions not natively found in Javascript.
Example usage:
import { line } from 'd3-shape';
import { scaleOrdinal } from 'd3-scale';
import { extent } from 'd3-array';
- d3-array
- d3-axis
- d3-brush
- d3-collection
- d3-color
- d3-dispatch
- d3-drag
- d3-dsv
- d3-ease
- d3-force
- d3-format
- d3-hierarchy
- d3-interpolate
- d3-path
- d3-polygon
- d3-quadtree
- d3-queue
- d3-random
- d3-request
- d3-scale
- d3-selection
- d3-shape
- d3-time
- d3-time-format
- d3-timer
- d3-transition
- d3-voronoi
- d3-zoom
This addon will be updated when new releases are cut of these packages. Currently none of these are 1.0 stable, so some of your code might break by upgrading. It is recommended that you have solid tests in place.
Install this like any other Ember Addon:
ember install ember-cli-d3-shape
Then import what you need from each module:
import { curveCardinalOpen } from 'd3-shape';
import { select } from 'd3-selection';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
didInsertElement() {
this.plot = select(this.element.querySelector('svg'));
didRender() {
// NOTE: Do things with the DOM after it has rendered.
this.plot.append('rect').attr('fill', '#15CD72');
ember server
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
npm test
(Runsember try:testall
to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)ember test
ember test --server
ember build
For more information on using ember-cli, visit