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overhauls the target/architecture abstraction (1/n)
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Introduces Theory.Target.t that superseeds Bap.Std.Arch.t. The old
representation suffered from a few problems that we inherited from
LLVM. The main issue is that Arch.t is not extensible and in order
to add a new architecture the Bap.Std code shall be changed in a
backward-compatibility-breaking manner. Arch.t is als unable to
represent the whole variety of computing devices, which is especially
relevant to micro-controllers (AVR, PIC) and IoT devices on which we
are currently focusing. Finally, Arch.t is not precise enough to
capture information that is necessary for code generation, the new
venue that we are currently exploring.

As the first attempt that didn't really work we introduced arch, sub,
and other properties to the `core-theory:unit` class in BinaryAnalysisPlatform#1119. The problem
with that approach was the stringly typed interface as `arch` was
represented as a simple string. In addition, the proposed properties
werent' able to describe uncommon architectures. Finally, it was very
awkward to use, all fields were optional with no good

This is the second attempt and it will be split into several pull
requests. The first PR, this one, introduce the Theory.Target.t but
still keeps Arch.t alive, i.e., it is used by all internal and
external components of BAP. This is to ensure that switching to
Target.t doesn't break any existing code. The consequent pull requests
will gradually deprecated functions that use Arch.t and switch
Target.t everywhere. The most important switch will affect the
disassembler/decoder framework, which is currently still stuck on
Arch.t. Just to be clear, after this work is finished and until BAP
3.0 and maybe even thereafter Arch.t will still work as it used to
work and no code will break or require updates. However, newly added
architectures, such as AVR or PIC, i.e., those that could not be
represented with Arch.t will not be available for the code that still
relies on it.

In addition to Theory.Target.t we add a few more abstractions and
convenience functions, e.g., `Project.empty` and a completely new
interface for Project.Input.t generation, which makes it easier to
create projects from strings or other custom data, e.g.,
`Project.Input.from_string` .

We also add Source, Language, and Compiler abstractions to the
knowledge base Core Theory. These abstractions, together with Target,
describe the full cycle of the program transformation using the
compiler from source code in the given language to the program for the
specified target (and the other way around). The Target abstraction
itself comes with a few more data types that describe various aspects
of the target system, including file formats, ABI, floating-point
ABI (FABI), endianness, which is no longer limited to the binary
choice of little and big endianness, and an extensible data type for
storing target-specific options.

Finally, all targets are formed into hierarchies and families, which
helps in controlling the vast zoo of computer architectures and

The Target.t is an abstract data type and is self-describing and
includes enough information that describes all the details of the
architecture. We also provide four library modules, for arm, mips,
powerpc, and x86 that exposes the currenlty declared targets.

Our LLVM backend is not yet precise enough to recongize many of the
supported targets and we don't have analyses right now that will infer
the target from the binary, but we will add the `--target` option in
the next PRs (when we will switch to Target.t) everywhere.

As usual, comments, questions, reviews are very welcome.
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ivg committed Sep 24, 2020
1 parent 5874673 commit cff63f8
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336 changes: 336 additions & 0 deletions lib/arm/
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@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
open Core_kernel
open Bap_core_theory
open Bap.Std

let package = "bap"

type r128 and r80 and r64 and r32 and r16 and r8

type 'a bitv = 'a Theory.Bitv.t Theory.Value.sort

let r128 : r128 bitv = Theory.Bitv.define 128
let r80 : r80 bitv = Theory.Bitv.define 80
let r64 : r64 bitv = Theory.Bitv.define 64
let r32 : r32 bitv = Theory.Bitv.define 32
let r16 : r16 bitv = Theory.Bitv.define 16
let r8 : r8 bitv = Theory.Bitv.define 8
let bool = Theory.Bool.t

let reg t n = Theory.Var.define t n
let untyped = ~f:Theory.Var.forget
let (@<) xs ys = untyped xs @ untyped ys

let array ?(index=string_of_int) t pref size =
List.init size ~f:(fun i -> reg t (pref ^ index i))

let mems = Theory.Mem.define r32 r8
let data = Theory.Var.define mems ( Arm_env.mem)

let of_bil v =
Theory.Var.define (Var.sort v) ( v)

let vars32 = ~f:of_bil Arm_env.[
r0; r1; r2; r3; r4; r5; r6; r7; r8; r9;
r10; r11; r12; sp; lr; mem;
nf; zf; cf; vf; qf;

let vars32_fp = vars32 @ untyped @@ array r64 "D" 16

let gp64 = array r64 "X" 30
let fp64 = array r128 "Q" 32
let sp64 = [reg r64 "SP"]
let lr64 = [reg r64 "LR"]
let mems64 = Theory.Mem.define r64 r8
let data64 = Theory.Var.define mems64 "mem"
let flags64 = [
reg bool "NF";
reg bool "ZF";
reg bool "CF";
reg bool "VF";

let vars64 = gp64 @< fp64 @< sp64 @< lr64 @< flags64 @< [data64]

let parent = Theory.Target.declare "arm"

module type v4 = sig

module type ARM = sig
val endianness : Theory.Target.endianness
val parent : Theory.Target.t
val v4 : Theory.Target.t
val v4t : Theory.Target.t
val v5 : Theory.Target.t
val v5t : Theory.Target.t
val v5te : Theory.Target.t
val v5tej : Theory.Target.t
val v6 : Theory.Target.t
val v6t2 : Theory.Target.t
val v6z : Theory.Target.t
val v6k : Theory.Target.t
val v6m : Theory.Target.t
val v7 : Theory.Target.t
val v7fp : Theory.Target.t
val v7a : Theory.Target.t
val v7afp : Theory.Target.t
val v8a : Theory.Target.t
val v81a : Theory.Target.t
val v82a : Theory.Target.t
val v83a : Theory.Target.t
val v84a : Theory.Target.t
val v85a : Theory.Target.t
val v86a : Theory.Target.t

module type Endianness = sig val endianness : Theory.Target.endianness end
module Family (Order : Endianness) = struct
include Order

let ordered name =
let order = endianness in
name ^ "+" ^ KB.Name.unqualified order

let (<:) parent name =
if Theory.Target.is_unknown parent
then Theory.Target.unknown
else Theory.Target.declare ~package (ordered name) ~parent

let is_bi_endian = Theory.Target.Endianness.(equal bi) endianness

let v4 =
if is_bi_endian
then Theory.Target.unknown
else Theory.Target.declare ~package (ordered "armv4")

let v4t = v4 <: "armv4t"
let v5 = v4 <: "armv5"
let v5t = v5 <: "armv5t"
let v5te = v5t <: "armv5te"
let v5tej = v5te <: "armv5tej"
let v6 = v5tej <: "armv6"
let v6t2 = v6 <: "armv6t2"
let v6z = v6 <: "armv6z"
let v6k = v6z <: "armv6k"
let v6m = v6 <: "armv6-m"

let v7 = if not is_bi_endian then v6t2 <: "armv7"
else Theory.Target.declare ~package (ordered "armv4")

let v7fp = Theory.Target.declare ~package (ordered "armv7+fp") ~parent:v7

let v7a = v7 <: "armv7-a"
let v7afp = Theory.Target.declare ~package (ordered "armv7-a+fp")

let v8a =
Theory.Target.declare ~package (ordered "armv8-a") ~parent:v7

let v81a = v8a <: "armv8.1-a"
let v82a = v81a <: "armv8.2-a"
let v83a = v82a <: "armv8.3-a"
let v84a = v83a <: "armv8.4-a"
let v85a = v84a <: "armv8.5-a"
let v86a = v85a <: "armv8.6-a"

let parent = if is_bi_endian then v7 else v4

module LE = Family(struct
let endianness = Theory.Target.Endianness.le

module Bi = Family(struct
let endianness =

module EB = Family(struct
let endianness = Theory.Target.Endianness.eb

let family_of_endian is_little : (module ARM) = match is_little with
| None -> (module Bi)
| Some true -> (module LE)
| Some false -> (module EB)

let prefixes = ["arm"; "thumb"; "aarch64";]
let suffixes = ["eb"; "_be"]

let in_family = function
| None -> false
| Some x -> List.exists prefixes ~f:(fun prefix ->
String.is_prefix ~prefix x)

let drop_end s =
Option.value ~default:s @@
List.find_map suffixes ~f:(fun suffix ->
String.chop_suffix ~suffix s)

let split s = List.find_map_exn prefixes ~f:(fun prefix ->
match String.chop_prefix ~prefix s with
| None -> None
| Some r -> Some (prefix,drop_end r))

let normalize arch sub =
match arch,sub with
| None,_ -> assert false
| Some arch,None -> split arch
| Some arch, Some sub -> arch,sub

let enable_loader () =
let open Bap.Std in
KB.Rule.(declare ~package "arm-target" |>
require Project.specification_slot |>
provide |>
comment "computes target from the OGRE specification");
let open KB.Syntax in
let request_info doc =
let open Ogre.Syntax in
let request =
Ogre.request Image.Scheme.arch >>= fun arch ->
Ogre.request Image.Scheme.subarch >>= fun sub ->
Ogre.request Image.Scheme.is_little_endian >>= fun little ->
Ogre.return (arch,sub, little) in
match Ogre.eval request doc with
| Error _ -> None,None,None
| Ok info -> info in
KB.promise @@ fun unit ->
KB.collect Project.specification_slot unit >>|
request_info >>| fun (arch,sub,is_little) ->
if not (in_family arch) then Theory.Target.unknown
let module Family = (val family_of_endian is_little) in
match normalize arch sub with
| "arm","v4" -> Family.v4
| "arm","v4t" -> Family.v4t
| "arm","v5" -> Family.v5
| "arm","v5t" -> Family.v5t
| "arm","v5te" -> Family.v5te
| "arm","v5tej" -> Family.v5tej
| "arm","v6" -> Family.v6
| "arm","v6z" -> Family.v6z
| "arm","v6k" -> Family.v6k
| "arm","v6m" -> Family.v6m
| "arm","v6t2" -> Family.v6t2
| "arm","v7" -> Family.v7
| "arm","v7fp" -> Family.v7
| "arm","v7a" -> Family.v7a
| "arm","v7afp" -> Family.v7afp
| "arm","v8" -> Family.v8a
| "arm","v8a" -> Family.v8a
| "arm","v81a" -> Family.v81a
| "arm","v82a" -> Family.v82a
| "arm","v83a" -> Family.v83a
| "arm","v84a" -> Family.v84a
| "arm","v85a" -> Family.v85a
| "arm","v86a" -> Family.v86a
| "thumb", "v4" -> Family.v4t
| "thumb", "v5" -> Family.v5t
| "aarch64",_ -> Family.v86a
| _ -> Family.v7

type arms = [
| Arch.arm
| Arch.armeb
| Arch.thumb
| Arch.thumbeb
| Arch.aarch64

let arms : arms Map.M(Theory.Target).t =
Map.of_alist_exn (module Theory.Target) [
LE.v4, `armv4;
LE.v4t, `thumbv4;
LE.v5, `armv5;
LE.v5t, `thumbv5;
LE.v5te, `thumbv5;
LE.v5tej, `thumbv5;
LE.v6, `armv6;
LE.v6z, `armv6;
LE.v6k, `armv6;
LE.v6m, `armv6;
LE.v6t2, `armv6;
LE.v7, `armv7;
LE.v7a, `armv7;
LE.v7afp, `armv7;
LE.v8a, `aarch64;
LE.v81a, `aarch64;
LE.v82a, `aarch64;
LE.v83a, `aarch64;
LE.v84a, `aarch64;
LE.v85a, `aarch64;
LE.v86a, `aarch64;
EB.v4, `armv4eb;
EB.v4t, `thumbv4eb;
EB.v5, `armv5eb;
EB.v5t, `thumbv5eb;
EB.v5te, `thumbv5eb;
EB.v5tej, `thumbv5eb;
EB.v6, `armv6eb;
EB.v6z, `armv6eb;
EB.v6k, `armv6eb;
EB.v6m, `armv6eb;
EB.v7, `armv7eb;
EB.v7a, `armv7eb;
EB.v7afp, `armv7eb;
EB.v8a, `aarch64_be;
EB.v81a, `aarch64_be;
EB.v82a, `aarch64_be;
EB.v83a, `aarch64_be;
EB.v84a, `aarch64_be;
EB.v85a, `aarch64_be;
EB.v86a, `aarch64_be;

let enable_arch () =
let open KB.Syntax in
KB.Rule.(declare ~package "arm-arch" |>
require |>
provide Arch.unit_slot |>
comment "computes Arch.t from the unit's target");
KB.promise Arch.unit_slot @@ fun unit ->
KB.collect unit >>| fun t ->
match Map.find arms t with
| Some arch -> (arch :> Arch.t)
| None -> `unknown

let load () =
enable_loader ();
enable_arch ()

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