IViny is easy to use and USB based simple low-cost DAQ and measurement device for data acquisition application. It can be used quickly without any low level electronically knowledge.
- 2 channels 0 – 5V and 0 – 3V digital input/output
- 2 channels 0 – 5V 10 bit analog input
- Channel maximum current 20 mA
- ATTiny85 based
- USB supply, no need external supply
- V-USB based communication
- PC user interface
- 150 S/s (it will increase with future next firmware upgrade still under development)
- 50 mm x 33 mm x 17 mm
- http://www.ivmech.com
If you interest to have one, feel free to contact us, caner@ivmech.com
Also it is ATTiny85 based and uses V-USB communication, therefore it is low-cost and open source...
IViny, can be controlled by user interface from computer. Digital input/output channels are available to read and write.
IViny also has simple scope screen that can be used easy and quickly shows 2 channels analog input measurement simultaneously. Also there is option to save measurements into computer.
Last measurements or saved measurements can be viewed easily.
Also firmware can be written by using IViny Arduino software. It uses arduino-tiny backend, therefore it is available with programming any arduino-tiny sketches over USB by micronucleus firmware.