Many thanks to Lysupov ( ) for working on SofRF project.
I have Naviter Oudie(IGC) connected to Prime Edition Mark II ( based on third-party's hardware - TTGO T-Beam ( ) ) and working as a FLARM device. With this combination and correct setting is possible to view traffic around me on Oudie display.
Everything is documented on the wiki page
- For TTGO T-Beam I recommend firmware version 1.0.-rc7 and higher (when it will be ...), with 1.0.-rc6 it didn't work
- The baud rate of the Oudie COM port must be set to> = 19200. If it is lower, FLARM data is not transmitted !!
- You must SAVE the settings in Oudie after making changes. Otherwise, it does not remember the setting and even forgets it after a while ...
- When selecting the FLARM device, select "Other", otherwise the Oudie will "freeze" !
- Oudie freezes even if the COM port is set incorrectly !
- I still have not barographic sensor installed on TTGO T-Beam. I recommend installing it on TTGO T-Beam to get correct data!
Ivo Novak