Monster Valle, full-featured MMORPG based in Pokémon made with JavaScript, NodeJS, PhaserJS, VueJS and websockets. The current situation is that I want to rewrite the older release to new one with a better architecture.
The Old Game Client and and Old Game Server are avaliable here:
You can see the mechanics here:
Notable features: PvP, Players Market Place, Quests, multiplayer real-time interactions, monster move learning and level up, party, items, storyline and etc.
In a creative solution, a "script language" was build on top of JSON to automate the gameclient/gameserver, most part of the game is full automated: level design, UIs, battle, network proccesses; personal architecture pattern was created to make the development and maintainability easy and clear. Edit UI in Photoshop and send it directly to game in real-time.
New GameServer:
Old GameServer (outdated and legacy):
(No guides available yet)
The code of game source project is released under the MIT license.
This projects is mainly created, idealized and full coded by: Ivo Pires de Camargo (me). The art is not public, owned and created by: mainly by Everton Luiz, Clara Luz Romagnolli and Victor Athayde. Caio Carlos, Junio Henrike and Gabriel Faleiros. Please do not use the art and musics in any commercial project.