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Wrangle those bower dependencies and place each one where it's supposed to be.

  • Consistently positions your dependencies where you want them in your repository.
  • Conveniently facilitates tracking your dependencies without committing the entire Bower components folder.
  • Has the potential to reduce build times dramatically. For instance, if you were building a particular source folder for your webapp or website (compiling, concatenating, and minifying JavaScript and CSS), you were forced to include the entire bower_components directory in your build to make it work. This plugin clears the detritus.


Whenever you add a new bower dependency, add which file should be copied and where to your Gruntfile "bowercopy" config. Then, run grunt bowercopy.

By default, bowercopy runs bower install for you (turn this off with the runbower option). Your bower directory is not removed so you can see which files you need from each component. It is suggested that you add the bower directory (usually 'bower_components') to your .gitignore.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-bowercopy --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Note: have a look at load-grunt-tasks so you can skip this step for all your grunt plugins.

The "bowercopy" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named bowercopy to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

	bowercopy: {
		options: {
			// Task-specific options go here
		your_target: {
			// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here



Type: String
Default value: The directory property value in your .bowerrc or 'bower_components' if the .bowerrc cannot be found.

srcPrefix will prefix your source locations with the correct bower folder location.


Type: String
Default value: ''

destPrefix will be used as the prefix for destinations.

Type: Boolean
Default value: true

Report any modules in your bower.json that have not been configured to copy at least one file with bowercopy.


Type: Boolean
Default value: true

Run bower install in conjunction with the bowercopy task.


Type: Boolean
Default value: false

Removes the bower components directory on completion. The folder path that is removed is options.srcPrefix.

Note: the directory will only be removed if the following conditions are met.

  1. All task targets are run (i.e. grunt-bowercopy was run with the command grunt bowercopy and not grunt bowercopy:target).
  2. At least one thing was copied from each bower component (grunt-bowercopy tracks this for you).


Type: Object
Default value: {}

Options to pass to grunt.file.copy when copying the files. See grunt.file.copy

Usage Examples

	bowercopy: {
		options: {
			// Bower components folder will be removed afterwards
			clean: true
		// Anything can be copied
		test: {
			options: {
				destPrefix: 'test/js'
			files: {
				// Keys are destinations (prefixed with `options.destPrefix`)
				// Values are sources (prefixed with `options.srcPrefix`); One source per destination
				// e.g. 'bower_components/chai/lib/chai.js' will be copied to 'test/js/libs/chai.js'
				'libs/chai.js': 'chai/lib/chai.js': ,
				'mocha/mocha.js': 'libs/mocha/mocha.js',
				'mocha/mocha.css': 'libs/mocha/mocha.css'
		// Javascript
		libs: {
			options: {
				destPrefix: 'public/js/libs'
			files: {
				'jquery.js': 'jquery/jquery.js',
				'require.js': 'requirejs/require.js'
		plugins: {
			options: {
				destPrefix: 'public/js/plugins'
			files: {
				// Make dependencies follow your naming conventions
				'jquery.chosen.js': 'chosen/public/chosen.js'
		// Less
		less: {
			options: {
				destPrefix: 'less'
			files: {
				// If either the src or the dest is not present,
				// the specified location will be used for both.
				// In other words, this will copy
				// 'bower_components/bootstrap/less/dropdowns.less' to 'less/bootstrap/less/dropdowns.less'
				// See for recommended files formats
				src: 'bootstrap/less/dropdowns.less'
		// Images
		images: {
			options: {
				destPrefix: 'public/images'
			files: {
				'account/chosen-sprite.png': 'chosen/public/chosen-sprite.png',
				'account/chosen-sprite@2x.png': 'chosen/public/chosen-sprite@2x.png'
		// Entire folders
		folders: {
			files: {
				// Note: when copying folders, the destination (key) will be used as the location for the folder
				'public/js/libs/lodash': 'lodash',
				// The destination can also be a folder
				// Note: if the basename of the location does not have a period('.'),
				// it is assumed that you'd like a folder to be created if none exists
				// and the source filename will be used
				'public/js/libs': 'lodash/dist/lodash.js'
		// Glob patterns
		glob: {
			files: {
				// When using glob patterns, destinations are *always* folder names
				// into which matching files will be copied
				// Also note that subdirectories are **not** maintained
				// if a destination is specified
				// For example, one of the files copied here is
				// 'lodash/dist/lodash.js' -> 'public/js/libs/lodash/lodash.js'
				'public/js/libs/lodash': 'lodash/dist/*.js'
		// Glob without destination
		globSrc: {
			options: {
				destPrefix: 'public/js/libs'
			// By not specifying a destination, you are denoting
			// that the lodash directory structure should be maintained
			// when copying.
			// For example, one of the files copied here is
			// 'lodash/dist/lodash.js' -> 'public/js/libs/lodash/dist/lodash.js'
			src: 'lodash/**/*.js'


Follow the same coding style present in the repo and add tests for any bug fix or feature addition.

See the for more info.

Release History

  • 0.8.0 2-21-2014 Adds support for folders for destinations when copying individual files
  • 0.7.1 1-20-2014 Fix Windows issue with path seperators.
  • 0.7.0 1-13-2014 Add Camelcase options.runBower. Fix an issue with a source format (gh-9).
  • 0.6.0 1-13-2014 Add glob matcher.
  • 0.5.0 12-31-2013 Add options.copyOptions to be passed along to grunt.file.copy and fix issue with local-only bower usage.
  • 0.4.0 12-3-2013 Update grunt to 0.4.2. Add the ability to copy folders.
  • 0.3.0 12-2-2013 Add clean option for removing the bower components directory on full task completion.
  • 0.2.0 11-19-2013 Report any bower components not configured to be copied when all targets are run together.
  • 0.1.0 11-19-2013 First Release


Copyright (c) 2013 Timmy Willison. Licensed under the MIT license.


Scrupulously manage file locations for bower dependencies.






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