This is an asynchonous Python client for Tile38 that allows for fast and easy interaction with the worlds fastest in-memory geodatabase Tile38.
Check out my introductory blog post about the project on my blog.
import asyncio
from pyle38 import Tile38
async def main():
tile38 = Tile38(url="redis://localhost:9851", follower_url="redis://localhost:9851")
await tile38.set("fleet", "truck").point(52.25,13.37).exec()
response = await tile38.follower()
.circle(52.25, 13.37, 1000)
assert response.ok
await tile38.quit()
> {
"ok": True,
"elapsed": "48.8µs",
"objects": [
"object": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"id": "truck"
"count": 1,
"cursor": 0
In [1]: %autoawait asyncio
In [2]: from pyle38 import Tile38
In [3]: tile38 = Tile38(url='redis://localhost:9851', follower_url='redis://localhost:9852')
In [4]: await tile38.set("fleet", "truck").point(52.25,13.37).exec()
Out[4]: JSONResponse(ok=True, elapsed='51.9µs', err=None)
In [5]: response = await tile38.within("fleet")
...: .circle(52.25, 13.37, 1000)
...: .asObjects()
In [6]: print(response.dict())
"ok": True,
"elapsed": "46.3µs",
"objects": [
"object": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"id": "truck"
"count": 1,
"cursor": 0
- fully typed using mypy and pydantic
- lazy client
- optional build-in leader/follower logic
- easy to use and integrate
- next to no external dependencies
pip install pyle38
Or using Poetry
poetry add pyle38
Now start your Tile38 instance(s) either locally using Docker and docker-compose.
docker-compose up
Or follow the installation instruction on to start your install Tile38 and start a server locally.
If you already have a Tile38 instance running somewhere read on.
from pyle38 import Tile38
tile38 = Tile38('redis://localhost:9851')
When it comes to replication, Tile38 follows a leader-follower model. The leader
receives all commands that SET
data, a follower on the other hand
is read-only
and can only query data. For more on replication in Tile38
refer to the official documentation.
This client is not meant to setup a replication, because this should happen in
your infrastructure. But it helps you to specifically execute commands on
leader or follower. This way you can make sure that the leader always has
enough resources to execute SET
s and fire geofence
events on webhooks
For now you can set one follower url
to set alongside the leader url
from pyle38.tile38 import Tile38
tile38 = Tile38('redis://localhost:9851', 'redis://localhost:9851')
Once the client is instantiated with a follower, commands can be explicitly
send to the follower, by adding .follower()
to your command chaining.
await tile38.follower().get('fleet', 'truck1').asObject()
Pyle38 allows to add (a handful) of custom client connection settings to be modified.
from pyle38 import Tile38
from pyle38.client_config import WithRetryExponentialBackoff, WithRetryOnError
from pyle38.errors import Pyle38TimeoutError, Pyle38ConnectionError
tile38 = Tile38(
# for 10 retries
# retries the following errors
WithRetryOnError(Pyle38ConnectionError, Pyle38TimeoutError),
Tile38 has hidden limits set for the amount of objects that can be returned
in one request. For most queries/searches this limit is set to 100
This client gives you the option to either paginate the results yourself by
add .cursor()
and .limit()
to your queries, or it abstracts pagination
away from the user by adding .all()
Let's say your fleet
in Berlin
extends 100 vehicles, then
await tile38.within('fleet').get('cities', 'Berlin').asObjects()
will only return 100 vehicle objects. Now you can either get the rest by setting the limit to the amount of vehicles you have in the city and get them all.
await tile38.within('fleet').limit(10000).get('cities', 'Berlin').asObjects()
Or, you can paginate the results in multiple concurrent requests to fit your requirements.
await tile38.within('fleet')
.get('cities', 'Berlin')
await tile38.within('fleet')
.get('cities', 'Berlin')
await tile38.within('fleet')
.get('cities', 'Berlin')
For now, every Tile38 commands response is parsed into a pydantic object for validation and type safety.
response = await tile38.set('fleet','truck1')
> {'ok': True, 'elapsed': '40.7µs'}
response = await tile38.get('fleet', 'truck1').asObject()
> True
> {
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [13.37, 52.25]
> {
'ok': True,
'elapsed': '29.3µs',
'object': {
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [13.37, 52.25]
Set the value of an id. If a value is already associated to that key/id, it'll be overwritten.
await tile38.set('fleet', 'truck1')
.fields({ "maxSpeed": 90, "milage": 90000 })
.point(33.5123, -112.2693)
# with z coordinate
await tile38.set('fleet', 'truck2')
.point(33.5123, -112.2693, 100)
await tile38.set('fleet', 'truck1:driver').string('John Denton').exec()
command | description |
.fields() |
Optional additional fields. MUST BE numerical |
.ex(value) |
Set the specified expire time, in seconds. |
.nx() |
Only set the object if it does not already exist. |
.xx() |
Only set the object if it already exist. |
command | description |
.point(lat, lon) |
Set a simple point in latitude, longitude |
.point(lat, lon, z) |
Set a simple point in latitude, longitude, height |
.bounds(minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon) |
Set as minimum bounding rectangle |
.object(feature) |
Set as feature |
.hash(geohash) |
Set as geohash |
.string(value) |
Set as string. To retrieve string values you can use .get() , scan() or .search() |
Set the value for one or more fields of an object.
await tile38.fset('fleet', 'truck1', { "maxSpeed": 90, "milage": 90000 })
command | description |
.xx() |
FSET returns error if fields are set on non-existing ids. xx() options changes this behaviour and instead returns 0 if id does not exist. If key does not exist FSET still returns error |
Validate if field
exists on id.
await tile38.set('fleet', 'truck1')
.fields({ "weight": 9000 })
.point(33.5123, -112.2693)
resp = await tile38.fexists('fleet', 'truck1', 'weight')
# > True
resp = await tile38.fexists('fleet', 'truck1', 'mileage')
# > False
Get the object of an id.
await tile38.get('fleet', 'truck1').asObject()
Get a string object.
await tile38.set('fleet', 'truck1:driver').string('John').exec()
await tile38.get('fleet', 'truck1:driver').asStringObject()
command | description |
.withfields() |
will also return the fields that belong to the object. Field values that are equal to zero are omitted. |
command | description |
.asObject() |
(default) get as object |
.asBounds() |
get as minimum bounding rectangle |
.asHash(precision) |
get as hash |
.asPoint() |
get as point |
.asStringObject() |
get a string |
Validate if id
in collection.
await tile38.set('fleet', 'truck')
.point(33.5123, -112.2693)
resp = await tile38.exists('fleet', 'truck')
# > True
resp = await tile38.exists('fleet', 'bobbycar')
# > False
Remove a specific object by key and id.
await tile38.del('fleet', 'truck1')
Remove objects that match a given pattern.
await tile38.pDel('fleet', 'truck*')
Remove all objects in a given key.
await tile38.drop('fleet')
Get the minimum bounding rectangle for all objects in a given key
await tile38.bounds('fleet')
Set an expiration/time to live in seconds of an object.
await tile38.expire('fleet', 'truck1', 10)
Get the expiration/time to live in seconds of an object.
await tile38.ttl('fleet', 'truck1', 10)
Remove an existing expiration/time to live of an object.
await tile38.persist('fleet', 'truck1')
Get all keys matching a glob-style-pattern. Pattern defaults to '*'
await tile38.keys()
Return stats for one or more keys.
The returned stats
array contains one or more entries, depending on the number of keys in the request.
await tile38.stats('fleet1', 'fleet2')
command | description |
in_memory_size |
estimated memory size in bytes |
num_objects |
objects in the given key |
num_points |
number of geographical objects in the given key |
Set a value in a JSON document. JGET, JSET, and JDEL allow for working with JSON strings
await tile38.jset('user', 901, 'name', 'Tom')
await tile38.jget('user', 901)
> {'name': 'Tom'}
await tile38.jset('user', 901, 'name.first', 'Tom')
await tile38.jset('user', 901, 'name.first', 'Anderson')
await tile38.jget('user', 901)
> {'name': { 'first': 'Tom', 'last': 'Anderson' }}
await tile38.jdel('user', 901, 'name.last')
await tile38.jget('user', 901);
> {'name': { 'first': 'Tom' }}
Renames a collection key
to newkey
command | description |
.nx() |
Default: false. Changes behavior on how renaming acts if newkey already exists |
If the newkey
already exists it will be deleted prior to renaming.
await tile38.rename('fleet', 'newfleet', false)
If the newkey
already exists it will do nothing.
await tile38.rename('fleet', 'newfleet', true)
Searches are Tile38 bread and butter. They are what make Tile38 a ultra-fast, serious and cheap alternative to PostGIS for a lot of use-cases.
searches a key for objects that are fully contained within a given bounding area.
await tile38.within('fleet').bounds(33.462, -112.268, 33.491, -112.245)
> {
await tile38.within('fleet').nofields().asCount()
> {
await tile38.within('fleet').nofields().where("maxspeed", 100, 120).asCount()
> {
await tile38.within('fleet').get('warehouses', 'Berlin').asCount();
> {
command | description |
.cursor(value) |
used to iterate through your search results. Defaults to 0 if not set explicitly |
.limit(value) |
limit the number of returned objects. Defaults to 100 if not set explicitly |
.nofields() |
if not set and one of the objects in the key has fields attached, fields will be returned. Use this to suppress this behavior and don't return fields. |
.match(pattern) |
Match can be used to filtered objects considered in the search with a glob pattern. .match('truck*') e.g. will only consider ids that start with truck within your key. |
.sparse(value) |
caution seems bugged since Tile38 1.22.6. Accepts values between 1 and 8. Can be used to distribute the results of a search evenly across the requested area. |
.where(fieldname, min value, max value) |
filter output by fieldname and values. |
.wherein(fieldname, values) |
filter output by fieldname and values. Returns if field value in list of values. |
.where_expr(expr) |
filter output with filter-expression. |
.buffer(value) |
Apply a buffer around area formats to increase the search area by x meters |
command | description |
.asObjects() |
return as array of objects |
.asBounds() |
return as array of minimum bounding rectangles: {"id": str,"bounds":{"sw":{"lat": float,"lon": float},"ne":{"lat": float,"lon": float}}} |
.asCount() |
returns a count of the objects in the search |
.asHashes(precision) |
returns an array of {"id": str,"hash": str} |
.asIds() |
returns an array of ids |
.asPoints() |
returns objects as points: {"id": str,"point":{"lat": float,"lon": float} . If the searched key is a collection of Polygon objects, the returned points are the centroids. |
command | description |
.get(key, id) |
Search a given stored item in a collection. |
.circle(lat, lon, radius) |
Search a given circle of latitude, longitude and radius. |
.bounds(minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon) |
Search a given bounding box. |
.hash(value) |
Search a given geohash. |
.quadkey(value) |
Search a given quadkey |
.tile(x, y, z) |
Search a given tile |
.object(value) |
Search a given GeoJSON polygon feature. |
.sector(lat, lon, radius, bearing1, bearing2) |
Search a given Sector polygon feature. |
Intersects searches a key for objects that are fully contained within a given bounding area, but also returns those that intersect the requested area.
When used to search a collection of keys consisting of Point
objects (e.g. vehicle movement data) it works like a .within()
search as Points
cannot intersect.
When used to search a collection of keys consisting of Polygon
or LineString
it also returns objects, that only partly overlap the requested area.
await tile38.intersects('warehouses').hash('u33d').asObjects()
await tile38.intersects('fleet').get('warehouses', 'Berlin').asIds()
> {
await tile38.intersects('warehouses').hash('u33d').where("maxweight", 1000, 1000).asCounts()
> {
command | description |
.clip() |
Tells Tile38 to clip returned objects at the bounding box of the requested area. Works with .bounds() , .hash() , .tile() and .quadkey() |
.cursor(value) |
used to iterate through your search results. Defaults to 0 if not set explicitly |
.limit(value) |
limit the number of returned objects. Defaults to 100 if not set explicitly |
.nofields() |
if not set and one of the objects in the key has fields attached, fields will be returned. Use this to suppress this behavior and don't return fields. |
.match(pattern) |
Match can be used to filtered objects considered in the search with a glob pattern. .match('warehouse*') e.g. will only consider ids that start with warehouse within your key. |
.sparse(value) |
caution seems bugged since Tile38 1.22.6. Accepts values between 1 and 8. Can be used to distribute the results of a search evenly across the requested area. |
.where(fieldname, min value, max value) |
filter output by fieldname and values. |
.wherein(fieldname, values) |
filter output by fieldname and values. Returns if field value in list of values. |
.where_expr(expr) |
filter output with filter-expression. |
.buffer(value) |
Apply a buffer around area formats to increase the search area by x meters |
command | description |
.asObjects() |
return as array of objects |
.asBounds() |
return as array of minimum bounding rectangles: {"id": str,"bounds":{"sw":{"lat": float,"lon": float},"ne":{"lat": float,"lon": float}}} |
.asCount() |
returns a count of the objects in the search |
.asHashes(precision) |
returns an array of {"id": str,"hash": str} |
.asIds() |
returns an array of ids |
.asPoints() |
returns objects as points: {"id": str,"point":{"lat": float,"lon": float} . If the searched key is a collection of Polygon objects, the returned points are the centroids. |
command | description |
.get(key, id) |
Search a given stored item in a collection. |
.circle(lat, lon, radius) |
Search a given circle of latitude, longitude and radius. |
.bounds(minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon) |
Search a given bounding box. |
.hash(value) |
Search a given geohash. |
.quadkey(value) |
Search a given quadkey |
.tile(x, y, z) |
Search a given tile |
.object(value) |
Search a given GeoJSON polygon feature. |
.sector(lat, lon, radius, bearing1, bearing2) |
Search a given Sector polygon feature. |
await tile38.set('fleet', 'truck1').point(33.5123, -112.2693).fields({"maxspeed": 100}).exec()
await tile38.nearby('fleet').where("maxspeed", 100, 100).point(33.5124, -112.2694).asCount()
> {
await tile38.nearby('fleet').point(33.5124, -112.2694, 10).asCount
// because truck1 is further away than 10m
> {
"fields": ["maxspeed"],
command | description |
.distance() |
Returns the distance in meters to the object from the query .point() |
.cursor(value) |
used to iterate through your search results. Defaults to 0 if not set explicitly |
.limit(value) |
limit the number of returned objects. Defaults to 100 if not set explicitly |
.nofields() |
if not set and one of the objects in the key has fields attached, fields will be returned. Use this to suppress this behavior and don't return fields. |
.match(pattern) |
Match can be used to filtered objects considered in the search with a glob pattern. .match('warehouse*') e.g. will only consider ids that start with warehouse within your key. |
.sparse(value) |
caution seems bugged since Tile38 1.22.6. Accepts values between 1 and 8. Can be used to distribute the results of a search evenly across the requested area. |
.where(fieldname, min value, max value) |
filter output by fieldname and values. |
.wherein(fieldname, values) |
filter output by fieldname and values. Returns if field value in list of values. |
.where_expr(expr) |
filter output with filter-expression. |
command | description |
.asObjects() |
return as array of objects |
.asBounds() |
return as array of minimum bounding rectangles: {"id": str,"bounds":{"sw":{"lat": float,"lon": float},"ne":{"lat": float,"lon": float}}} |
.asCount() |
returns a count of the objects in the search |
.asHashes(precision) |
returns an array of {"id": str,"hash": str} |
.asIds() |
returns an array of ids |
.asPoints() |
returns objects as points: {"id": str,"point":{"lat": float,"lon": float} . If the searched key is a collection of Polygon objects, the returned points are the centroids. |
command | description |
.point(lat, lon, radius: Optional[int]) |
Search nearby a given of latitude, longitude. If radius is set, searches nearby the given radius. |
Incrementally iterate through a given collection key.
await tile38.scan('fleet')
await tile38.scan('fleet').where("maxspeed", 100, 120).asCount()
> {
command | description |
.asc() |
Values are returned in ascending order. Default if not set. |
.desc() |
Values are returned in descending order. |
.cursor(value) |
used to iterate through your search results. Defaults to 0 if not set explicitly |
.limit(value) |
limit the number of returned objects. Defaults to 100 if not set explicitly |
.nofields() |
if not set and one of the objects in the key has fields attached, fields will be returned. Use this to suppress this behavior and don't return fields. |
.match(pattern) |
Match can be used to filtered objects considered in the search with a glob pattern. .match('warehouse*') e.g. will only consider ids that start with warehouse within your key. |
.where(fieldname, min value, max value) |
filter output by fieldname and values. |
.wherein(fieldname, values) |
filter output by fieldname and values. Returns if field value in list of values. |
.where_expr(expr) |
filter output with filter-expression. |
command | description |
.asObjects() |
return as array of objects |
.asBounds() |
return as array of minimum bounding rectangles: {"id": str,"bounds":{"sw":{"lat": float,"lon": float},"ne":{"lat": float,"lon": float}}} |
.asCount() |
returns a count of the objects in the search |
.asHashes(precision) |
returns an array of {"id": str,"hash": str} |
.asIds() |
returns an array of ids |
.asPoints() |
returns objects as points: {"id": str,"point":{"lat": float,"lon": float} . If the searched key is a collection of Polygon objects, the returned points are the centroids. |
Used to iterate through a keys string values.
await tile38.set('fleet', 'truck1:driver').string('John').exec()
> {
command | description |
.asc() |
Values are returned in ascending order. Default if not set. |
.desc() |
Values are returned in descending order. |
.cursor(value) |
used to iterate through your search results. Defaults to 0 if not set explicitly |
.limit(value) |
limit the number of returned objects. Defaults to 100 if not set explicitly |
.nofields() |
if not set and one of the objects in the key has fields attached, fields will be returned. Use this to suppress this behavior and don't return fields. |
.match(pattern) |
Match can be used to filtered objects considered in the search with a glob pattern. .match('J*') e.g. will only consider string values objects that have a string value starting with J |
.where(fieldname, min value, max value) |
filter output by fieldname and values. |
.wherein(fieldname, values) |
filter output by fieldname and values. Returns if field value in list of values. |
.where_expr(expr) |
filter output with filter-expression. |
command | description |
.asStringObjects() |
return as array of objects |
.asCount() |
returns a count of the objects in the search |
.asIds() |
returns an array of ids |
While .config_get()
fetches the requested configuration, .config_set()
can be used to change the configuration.
Important, changes made with .set()
will only take affect after .config_rewrite()
is used.
command | description |
requirepass |
Set a password and make server password-protected, if not set defaults to "" (no password required). |
leaderauth |
If leader is password-protected, followers have to authenticate before they are allowed to follow. Set leaderauth to password of the leader, prior to .follow() . |
protected-mode |
Tile38 only allows authenticated clients or connections from localhost . Defaults to: "yes" |
maxmemory |
Set max memory in bytes. Get max memory in bytes/kb/mb/gb. |
autogc |
Set auto garbage collection to time in seconds where server performs a garbage collection. Defaults to: 0 (no garbage collection) |
keep_alive |
Time server keeps client connections alive. Defaults to: 300 (seconds) |
await tile38.config_get('keepalive')
> {
await tile38.config_set('keepalive', 400)
> {"ok":true,"elapsed":"36.9µs"}
await tile38.config_rewrite()
> {"ok":true,"elapsed":"363µs"}
await tile38.config_get('keepalive')
> {
Advanced options
Advanced configuration can not be set with commands, but has to be set
in a config
file in your data directory. Options above, as
well as advanced options can be set and are loaded on start-up.
command | description |
follow_host |
URI of Leader to follow |
follow_port |
PORT of Leader to follow |
follow_pos |
? |
follow_id |
ID of Leader |
server_id |
Server ID of the current instance |
read_only |
Make Tile38 read-only |
Delete all keys and hooks.
await tile38.flushDb()
Ping your server
Returns OK
if server is the Leader. If server is a Follower,
returns OK
once the Follower caught up to the Leader.
For HTTP requests it
returns HTTP 200 OK
once caught up, or HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
if not.
The command is primarily built to be send via HTTP in orchestration
frameworks such as Kubernetes as livelinessProbe
and/or readinessProbe
Since a Follower has to catch up to the state of the Leader before it
can execute queries, it is essential that it does not receive traffic
prior to being caught up.
in combination with a readinessProbe ensures a ready state.
await tile38.healthz()
// values.yaml
scheme: HTTP
path: /healthz
port: 9851
initialDelaySeconds: 60
Instructs the server to perform a garbage collection.
await tile38.gc()
Sets Tile38 into read-only mode. Commands such as.set()
and .del()
will fail.
await tile38.readonly(True)
Get Tile38 statistics.
await tile38.server()
Or get extended statistics:
await tile38.server_extended()
Get Tile38 info. Similar to SERVER
but different metrics.
A geofence is a virtual boundary that can detect when an object enters or exits the area. This boundary can be a radius or any search area format, such as a bounding box, GeoJSON object, etc. Tile38 can turn any standard search into a geofence monitor by adding the FENCE keyword to the search.
Geofence events can be:
(object in specified area),outside
(object outside specified area),enter
(object enters specified area),exit
(object exits specified area),crosses
(object that was not in specified area, has enter/exit it).
Geofence events can be send on upon commands:
which sends an event when an object is.set()
which sends a last event when the object that resides in the geosearch is deleted via.del()
which sends a message when the entire collection is dropped
Creates a webhook that points to a geosearch (NEARBY/WITHIN/INTERSECTS).
Whenever a commands creates/deletes/drops an object that fulfills the geosearch,
an event is send to the specified endpoint
# sends event to endpoint, when object in 'fleet'
# enters the area of a 500m radius around
# latitude 33.5123 and longitude -112.2693
await tile38.sethook('warehouse', '')
.point(33.5123, -112.2693, 500)
await tile38.set('fleet', 'bus').point(33.5123001, -112.2693001).exec()
# results in event =
> {
"command": "set",
"group": "5c5203ccf5ec4e4f349fd038",
"detect": "inside",
"hook": "warehouse",
"key": "fleet",
"time": "2021-03-22T13:06:36.769273-07:00",
"id": "bus",
"meta": {},
"object": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-112.2693001, 33.5123001] }
command | description |
.nearby(name, endpoint) |
.within(name, endpoint) |
.intersects(name, endpoint) |
command | description |
.meta(meta) |
Optional add additional meta information that are send in the geofence event. |
.ex(value) |
Optional TTL in seconds |
.commands(which[]) |
Select on which command a hook should send an event. Defaults to: ['set', 'del', 'drop'] |
.detect(what[]) |
Select what events should be detected. Defaults to: ['enter', 'exit', 'crosses', 'inside', 'outside'] |
command | description |
HTTP/HTTPS | http:// https:// send messages over HTTP/S. For options see link. |
gRPC | grpc:// send messages over gRPC. For options see link. |
Redis | redis:// send messages to Redis. For options see link |
Disque | disque:// send messages to Disque. For options see link. |
Kafka | kafka:// send messages to a Kafka topic. For options see link. |
AMQP | amqp:// send messages to RabbitMQ. For options see link. |
MQTT | mqtt:// send messages to an MQTT broker. For options see link. |
SQS | sqs:// send messages to an Amazon SQS queue. For options see link. |
NATS | nats:// send messages to a NATS topic. For options see link. |
Similar to sethook()
, but opens a PUB/SUB channel.
# Start a channel that sends event, when object in 'fleet'
# enters the area of a 500m radius around
# latitude 33.5123 and longitude -112.2693
await tile38.setchan('warehouse', '')
.point(33.5123, -112.2693, 500)
Given a proper setup of a pubsub channel, every set .set()
results in:
await tile38.set('fleet', 'bus')
.point(33.5123001, -112.2693001)
# event =
> {
"command": "set",
"group": "5c5203ccf5ec4e4f349fd038",
"detect": "inside",
"hook": "warehouse",
"key": "fleet",
"time": "2021-03-22T13:06:36.769273-07:00",
"id": "bus",
"meta": {},
"object": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-112.2693001, 33.5123001] }
command | description |
.nearby(name, endpoint) |
.within(name, endpoint) |
.intersects(name, endpoint) |
command | description |
.meta(meta) |
Optional addition meta information that a send in the geofence event. |
.ex(value) |
Optional TTL in seconds |
.commands(which[]) |
Select on which command a hook should send an event. Defaults to: ['set', 'del', 'drop'] |
.detect(what[]) |
Select what events should be detected. Defaults to: ['enter', 'exit', 'crosses', 'inside', 'outside'] |
For more information, please refer to:
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Benjamin Ramser - @iwpnd
Project Link:
Josh Baker - maintainer of Tile38