This repository is an extension based on Volo Abp(
As normal, create your Entity class in the Domain layer
Add the
Nuget package to your EntityFrameworkCore layer -
tag your DbContext interface[AutoAddEntityToModel(typeof(YourDomainModule))] public interface IYourDbContext : IEfCoreDbContext { }
Call the
method in your DbContext class (Note: Call it before base.OnModelCreating)[ConnectionStringName(YourDbProperties.ConnectionStringName)] public class YourDbContext : AbpDbContext<YourDbContext>, IYourDbContext { public YourDbContext(DbContextOptions<YourDbContext> options): base(options) { } protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder) { builder.AutoAddEntityTypeToModel(this);//Note: Call it before base.OnModelCreating base.OnModelCreating(builder); builder.ConfigureYourModule(); } }
Follow Volo abp modular best practices, configure the automatically add entities in your ModuleDbContextModelCreatingExtensions
public static class YourModuleDbContextModelCreatingExtensions { public static void ConfigureYourModule( this ModelBuilder builder, Action<YourModuleModelBuilderConfigurationOptions> optionsAction = null) { Check.NotNull(builder, nameof(builder)); var options = new YourModuleModelBuilderConfigurationOptions( YourDbProperties.DbTablePrefix, YourDbProperties.DbSchema ); optionsAction?.Invoke(options); builder.ConfigureAutoAddEntityTypes<IYourDbContext>((entityType) => (b) => { b.ToTable(options.TablePrefix + entityType.Name, options.Schema); b.ConfigureByConvention(); }); builder.ApplyConfigurationsFromAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); } }
You are advised to configure the index, Key, etc., by implementing the EfCore
interface, at your EntityFrameworkCore layerpublic class ProductConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Product> { public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Product> builder) { builder.HasIndex(h => h.Name).HasFilter("IsDeleted=0").IsUnique(); } }
Then by calling the
configuration entity, just like the example above -
Register automatically add entities repository and DependsOn in your EntityFrameworkCoreModule, use
instead ofAddAbpDbContext
[DependsOn(typeof(YourDomainModule))] [DependsOn(typeof(AmosAbpEntityFrameworkCoreModule))] public class YourEntityFrameworkCoreModule : AbpModule { public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context) { context.Services.AddAbpDbContextEx<OrderManagementDbContext>(options =>{}); } }
Finally, as normal, you can inject automatically add entity repository to use
public class YourAppService : IYourAppService { private readonly Lazy<IRepository<XXEntity, long>> _xxRepositoryLazy; public YourAppService(Lazy<IRepository<XXEntity, long>> xxRepositoryLazy) { _xxRepositoryLazy = xxRepositoryLazy; } }
- What is an SQL Temp Table (
- At present, only SQL Server Temp Table is implemented. If you use other database provider, you can expand the database support by implementing
- Add the
Nuget package to your Domain layer - Create TempTable class in the Domain layer
public class YourTempTable : ITempTable { public int Id { get; set; } }
- Define a temp table repository interface in the Domain layer
public interface IYourTempTableRepository : ITempTableRepository { }
- Add the
Nuget package to your EntityFrameworkCore layer - Using
tag your DbContext interface[AutoAddTempTableToModel(typeof(YourDomainModule))] public interface IYourDbContext : IEfCoreDbContext { }
- Call the
method in your DbContext class (Note: Call it before base.OnModelCreating)[ConnectionStringName(YourDbProperties.ConnectionStringName)] public class YourDbContext : AbpDbContext<YourDbContext>, IYourDbContext { public YourDbContext(DbContextOptions<YourDbContext> options): base(options) { } protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder) { builder.AutoAddTempTableToModel(this);//Note: Call it before base.OnModelCreating base.OnModelCreating(builder); } }
- Implement temp table repository in the EntityFrameworkCore layer
public class YourTempTableRepository : EfCoreTempTableRepository<YourDbContext,IYourDbContext>, IYourTempTableRepository, ITransientDependency { public YourTempTableRepository(IDbContextProvider<IYourDbContext> dbContextProvider) : base(dbContextProvider) { } }
- Add DependsOn to your EntityFrameworkCoreModule
[DependsOn(typeof(AmosAbpTempTableSqlServerModule))] public class YourEntityFrameworkCoreModule : AbpModule { }
- Finally, you can inject temp table repository to use
public class YourAppService : IYourAppService { private readonly Lazy<IYourTempTableRepository> _yourTempTableRepositoryLazy; private readonly Lazy<IRepository<XXEntity, long>> _xxRepositoryLazy; public YourAppService(Lazy<IYourTempTableRepository> yourTempTableRepositoryLazy,Lazy<IRepository<XXEntity, long>> xxRepositoryLazy) { _yourTempTableRepositoryLazy = yourTempTableRepositoryLazy; _xxRepositoryLazy=xxRepositoryLazy; } public async Task TestAsync() { var tempDatas = new List<YourTempTable> { new YourTempTable { Id = 1 }, new YourTempTable { Id = 2 } }; var tempQuery = await _yourTempTableRepositoryLazy.Value.InsertIntoTempTableAsync(tempDatas); var query = await _xxRepositoryLazy.Value.GetQueryableAsync(); var tempWhereQuery = query.Where(w => tempQuery.Any(a => a.Id == w.Id)); var tempWhereResult = await _xxRepositoryLazy.Value.AsyncExecuter.ToListAsync(tempWhereQuery); } }
- This feature is used to perform high-performance database operations using native sql
- Centralized management of sql scripts
- Easily supports multiple different database provider(MySql, SqlServer, Oracle, etc. please see the
), Reduce the impact of different database provider sql syntax differences - Based on EFCore, Dapper makes almost no disruptive adjustments to the original configuration
- Add the
Nuget package to your Domain layer - Define a sql script repository interface in the Domain layer
public interface IYourSqlScriptRepository : ISqlScriptRepository { }
- Add the
Nuget package to your EntityFrameworkCore layer - Create sql script resource file in the EntityFrameworkCore layer (Similar to defining multilingual resource files, Please refer to the screenshot below)
Create a SqlScript folder, and define an sql script resource empty class in this folder
public class YourSqlScriptResource { }
Create a folder with the same name as the sql script resource empty class (eg: create a folder name
) -
Create sql script xml file for your database provider, and set it as an embedded resource
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <SqlScripts Namespace="OrderManagement" DatabaseProvider="SqlServer" > <Item Key="SelectProductById">select * from Order where Id=@Id</Item> <Item Key="SoftDeleteProductById">update Order set IsDelete=1 where Id=@Id</Item> <Item Key="SelectDynamicTableById">select * from {{table}} where Id=@Id</Item> <Item Key="TestMultiline"> select * from Order where Id=@Id; select * from OrderItems </Item> </SqlScripts>
- [Namespace] and [DatabaseProvider] are correctly filled in the xml
- The handling of SQL string placeholder parameters (not query parameters) uses the
( library. Please pay attention to the parameter settings.
and add DependsOn in your EntityFrameworkCoreModule[DependsOn(typeof(AmosAbpSqlScriptModule))] public class YourEntityFrameworkCoreModule : AbpModule { public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context) { Configure<SqlScriptOptions>(options => { options.AddResource("YourDefinedSqlScriptNamespace", typeof(YourSqlScriptResource)); }); } }
Note: [YourDefinedSqlScriptNamespace] is same as xml file [Namespace]
- Implement sql script repository in the EntityFrameworkCore layer
public class YourSqlScriptRepository : SqlScriptRepository<YourDbContext,IYourDbContext>, IYourSqlScriptRepository, ITransientDependency { public YourSqlScriptRepository(IDbContextProvider<IProductManagementDbContext> dbContextProvider, ISqlScriptProvider sqlScriptProvider) : base(dbContextProvider, sqlScriptProvider) { } }
- Finally, you can inject temp table repository to use
Note: sql scirpt depends on the database provider you set in DbContext (Get database provider :
public class YourAppService : IYourAppService { private readonly Lazy<IYourSqlScriptRepository> _yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy; public YourAppService(Lazy<IYourSqlScriptRepository> yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy) { _yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy = yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy; } public async Task TestAsync() { var ds = await _yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy.Value.QueryAsDataSetAsync("OrderManagement:TestMultiline", sqlParam: new { Id = 1 }); var dt = await _yourSqlScriptRepositoryLazy.Value .QueryAsDataTableAsync("OrderManagement:SelectDynamicTableById",new { table= "Order" }, new { Id = 1 }); } }
, if your DbContext setting uses SqlServer, sql scirpt in SqlServer.xml will be used, if your DbContext setting uses MySql, sql scirpt in MySql.xml will be used)