Android Basics Nanodegree by Google
A short Quiz App that quizzes a user about a certain topic (Udacity course - Android Nanodegree Basics)
- Fork this repository to your Github account.
- Open Android Studio 3.2.x+ in your local machine.
- Recommend you to use the Version Control System(VCS) in your Android Studio 3.2.x+ IDE to clone the repository directly in your IDE.
- Android Studio 3.2.1 or higher
- compileSdkVersion 4 (For AndroidX dependencies, the min compileSdkVersion version is 4)
- minSdkVersion 16
- Supports up to Android 4.1
- Gradle 7.2.0
To run app in an Android Device (AVD), we have used the following configuration:
- Techno Spark 4
- API level 16
- Android 10
- Android Basics Nanodegree by Google - Udacity - Android Basics Nanodegree Program