- 👋 Hi, I’m @j-alex-vindel a student at Strathclyde University in the Business School
- 👀 I’m interested in mathematical optimization, linear programming, integer programming, network optimization, bi-level programming and data analytics
- 🌱 I’m proficient with gurobi solver in python environment.
- 🌱 I work comfortably with several python libraries.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on integer programming and operations research as a whole
- 📫 How to reach me, by email at (jose.vindel-garduno@strath.ac.uk) | (alexander.vindel@gmail.com)
- BILP -> Mixed-integer Linear modeling with Gurobi in metabolic engineering
- ME_GA -> Genetic Algorithm for multi objective modeling with Gurobi in metabolic engineering
- Poster Competition -> Poster Competition for International Conference of Bilevel Optimization 2023
- BAFA2019 -> Data Analysis (pandas) and dashboard (streamlit) for season 2019
- Data_BAFA Scrapers -> Web crawlers and scrapers to collect data for BAFA 2019 (beautifulsoup, selenium)
- Games Dev -> Text Adventure game in python and a dodge the bullet game using pygame