The model developed can classify any letter in the American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet into the equivalent letter in the English Alphabet, which is a multiclass classification problem.
Using this model, we can easily convert the ASL into the respective English sentences.
You can view the deployed version of the model here
For a detailed explaination please refer this article
A grayscale ASL letter image of shape (28X28)
Equivalent letter in the English alphabet corresponding to the ASL input image
Note: The letters J and Z cannot be predicted as their corresponding representation in ASL requires motion.
Accuracy is used as the evaluation metric
- Importing the necessary libraries
- Preprocessing the input data
- Defining the Model
- Fitting the training data
- Hyper Parameter Tuning
- Selection of the best model
- Testing the performance on the test set
Tuned Hyperparmeters include
- Convolution and Max Pooling Pairs
- Filters in the convolution layers
- Filter Size
- Dropout
Hyperparameters that can be further considered
- Batch Normalization - It normalizes the layer inputs
- Deeper networks work well - Replacing the single convolution layer of filter size (5X5) with two successive consecutive convolution layers of filter size (3X3)
- Number of units in the dense layer and number of dense layers
- Replacing the MaxPooling Layer with a convolution layer having a stride > 1
- Optimizers
- Learning rate of the optimizer
- Data Augmentation