Workshop level: Micro Services beginner
This workshop is designed for developers who are familiar with:
- Java
- Maven
- Spring Framework
but are pretty new to Spring Boot and the Spring Cloud Netflix stack.
Before you can start we expect you to have an environment up and running:
- Your favourite IDE
- Java 8
- Maven 3.x
The goal of this workshop is to learn about building Micro Services using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. In this workshop your are going to build a very simple service from scratch and in each section you add Micro services infrastructure components.
This workshop is divided into 4 sections. For every section we provide a two branches:
- One with starting point for you to start the exercise
- and one branch that will contain the solution.
The solution from the previous exercise will be the starting point for the next exercise. For every exercise you will find a markdown file that described the exercise in detail.
Happy coding!
- Understand Spring Boot core concepts
- Auto configuration
- Starter dependencies
- Actuators
- Embedded Tomcat
- Build a simple "Greeting" service using Spring Boot
- Build a simple Rest API
- Use Spring profiles to show a different message
- exercise-1-start
- exercise-1-solution
- Understand why to use a config server
- Build a Spring Cloud config server using Spring Boot
- Serve the "Greeting" service configuration using the config server
- Load the configuration for your "Greeting" service from the config server
- exercise-2-start
- exercise-2-solution
- Understand why to use a Service registry
- Build a Spring Cloud Service registry using Spring Boot
- Register your "Greeting" service at Eureka
- Resolve the Cloud Cloud config server via Eureka
- exercise-3-start
- exercise-3-solution
- Understand why to use an API Gateway
- Build a Spring Cloud API Gateway using Spring Boot
- Expose your "Greeting" Rest API using the API Gateway
- exercise-4-start
- exercise-4-solution