A Lightweight network tool, which helps you do multiple things.
Some features are still under development.
- DNS Lookup.
- Shows your public IP.
- Internet speed tester. (Thanks to speedtest-go)
- Find subdomains.
- Whois Lookup.
- URL Shortener.
- Email Checker(check validity and reachability).
- HTTP Header information.
- Subnet Calculator.
Simply type netcli -h
and you'll get to know what options are available and how to use them.
nameserver, ns Print the nameserver of given hostname.(NS RECORD)
mailserver, mx Print the mail server of given hostname.(MX RECORD)
a Print the host ip of given hostname.(A RECORD)
cname Print the canonical name of given hostname.(CNAME)
myip Print your public IP Address.
speedtest, speed Do an internet speed test.
subdomain, subd Scans an entire domain to find as many subdomains as possible.
whois Get whois information of Domain Name or IP Addres.
shorten, short URL shortener to reduce a long link.
email Check if email address is valid.
subnet Calculate details about provided CIDR block.
header, head Enter the web address to check http header
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
make run
to run the application.make build
to build for your OS and platform.make compile
to compile for most OS and platform.make clean
to clean build files and golang cache.