ShoppingList makes shopping quick, easy and fun allowing users to add, update, view or delete items in a shopping list and share the lists with the public. Here is a link to my ShoppingList app ShoppingList
I am using basic CSS, bootstrap and jQuery for the template and at the backend I am using Flask
To get up and running with it, just clone this repository, switch in that folder then setup flask and finally run the flask server. Also set environment variables from repository settings
git clone
cd ShoppingListDesign
export APP_SETTINGS="config.DevelopmentConfig"
virtualenv venv
source dir/to/venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run tests
export APP_SETTINGS="config.TestingConfig"
nosetests app/tests/*
- Jean Abayo - Initial work - JeanAbayo
- Daisy Ndungu - DaisyNdungu
- Humphrey Musonye