NEUROLEG - An EEG-based BMI for closed-loop control (Kalman filter) of an external prosthesis/end effector
For part of my PhD dissertation project, I developed a real-time EEG-based brain-machine interface that was used by lower limb amputees to control a custom powered-knee prosthesis. We recruited several below-the-knee amputees to participate in a two part study: an offline study that used EEG, EMG, IMU-based motion capture, and fMRI to study the representation of the phantom limb, and a second study that focused on EEG-based closed-loop control. This was an exciting project and we hope to publish the detailed protocol and results soon! This repo provides the source code for the real-time EEG-based BMI. Some of the main features are:
- Real time streaming into MATLAB:
- EEG from BrainAmp DC (Brain Products GmbH)
- Goniometers and EMG from Biometrics DataLOG (The data don't actually matter. The streaming is the same for any inputs to the device.)
- IMUs using an OPAL system (APDM)
- A MATLAB-based OOP implementation of:
- Kalman filter class for linear and unscented implementations (formulation based off of paper by Li et al, 2009)
- Kernel ridge regression w/a RBF kernel
- A simple but useful PID controller in Arduino/Teensy
- An example for using Arduino/Teensy to sync multiple systems
For this I would do a few leg movements and train a filter. Not a perfect mapping but it was pretty fun for how quickly I could go from no model to real-time control.
Here is a basic overview of the experiment/program:
- The subject was instrumented with EEG, EMG, IMUs, and goniometers.
- They were seated in front of a monitor where they performed a series of movement tasks according to the cues and timing presented on the screen. These included movements of the intact and phantom knee and bilateral hand movements as a control. I like this example showing the EMG activations from the stump (not visible) matching the stimulus movement pattern.
- For realtime experiments, the subject performed a series of training trials where they followed the path of the moving dot.
- A Kalman filter was trained to predict the position of their limb from the EEG and EMG signals.
- The subjects were given a few trials to perform EMG-control of the device.
- After several trials, the control was shifted from EMG to EEG control.
The real-time interface was developed using MATLAB since several of the key components were already written there. The main GUI is /rtc/NEUROLEG_GUI.m
, which was used to set up the experiment parameters and call all of the required functions.
├── _inprogress # Functions currently in progress
├── dependencies # Contains a few dependencies. Some may be unneeded but needs to be double checked
├── images # Images/videos. Mostly for demonstration purposes
├── misc # Contains EEG montage
├── ...
│ ├── NEUROLEG_GUI.fig # Figure file for MATLAB GUI - built with GUIDE
│ ├── NEUROLEG_GUI.m # Main GUI for running real time
│ ├── Neuroleg_Movement_Demo.m # Demo file
│ ├── Neuroleg_PIDcontrol_JB # PID control in Arduino for leg prosthesis
│ ├── Neuroleg_RTControl_Demo.m # Demo file RTC
│ ├── XBee_TriggerBox_MAIN_PsychtoolboxProtocol_JB # Arduino code for trigger box used to sync systems
│ ├── ...
│ └── neuroleg_gui_functions # RTC CODE CALLED BY NEUROLEG_GUI
├── ...
For clarity, I want to break down a few of the folders in more detail. After running /rtc/NEUROLEG_GUI.m
, the following scripts are called in order:
├── ...
├── rtc
│ ├── ...
│ └── neuroleg_gui_functions
│ └── ... description below ...
No. | Function | Purpose | Notes |
1 | neuroleg_realtime_setup |
Defines defaults | Used to fill defaults when opening GUI; sets all filter params |
2 | neuroleg_realtime_params2handles |
Set defaults | Puts defaults into handles to pass around GUI |
3 | neuroleg_realtime_parsehandles |
Unpacks defaults | Parses handles; called in training and testing |
4 | build_movement_fig |
Builds movement figure | Calls WindowAPI for positioning window |
5 | neuroleg_realtime_stream |
Streams data | Initalizes streaming from all devices; run for each leg - used to get training data |
6 | neuroleg_realtime_train |
Trains prediction model | Uses streamed data to build Kalman filter for EEG and EMG prediction of movement (./utils/KalmanFilter/ ) |
7 | neuroleg_realtime_control |
Real time control, baby! | Calls 3-5 then uses trained model from 6 to control leg. Shows stimulus movement pattern |
8 | neuroleg_realtime_freemove |
Free movement RTC | Calls 3-5 then uses trained model from 6 to control leg. Does not provided stimulus. Allows for continuous unconstrained control. |
In addition to the real time control functions used by the GUI, there are a number of scripts in the ./utils
folder that are used in real time and can be used for offline:
No. | Function | Purpose | Notes |
1 | KalmanFilter. |
Linear and unscented Kalman Filter | Training, grid-search parameter optimization, and prediction |
2 | KernelRidgeRegression |
Ridge regression w/RBF kernel | Training, grid-search parameter optimization, and prediction |
3 | Orientation_Estimation |
Orientation estimation from IMUs | Used w/OPAL system for orientation estimation |
4 | align_data |
Data alignment | Given data and markers perform alignment |
5 | biometrics_datalog |
MATLAB class for Biometrics DataLOG | Used to initialize and stream data from Biometrics via OnLineInterface64.dll |
6 | blindcolors |
Color blind colors | Colorblind friendly colors from Points of view: Color blindness |
7 | hinfinity |
EEG artifact removal | Used for real-time and offline artifact removal of ocular artifacts. See original paper |
8 | filterdata |
zero-phase filtering | Mainly used for offline analysis to implement zero-phase Butterworth filter |
9 | loadBiometrics |
Load Biometrics data offline | Used for offline analysis |
10 | loadOpal |
Load OPAL data offline | Used for offline analysis not real time streaming |
11 | make_ss_filter |
state-space BW filter | Gets state-space implementation Butterworth filter. Real-time compatible causal filter for sample-by-sample filtering. |
12 | use_ss_filter |
use state-space filter | Apply state-space filter from make_ss_filter to data |
12 | readcaptrak |
read Brainvision .bvct file |
Used to parse the XML format .bvct files from Brainvision captrak system |
13 | resampledata |
Resample two time series | Resample one time series to another given their sampling rates |
14 | rescale_data |
Rescale data | Rescale data between two values |
Example of the offline experiments where the subject is moving the intact limb (HD video):
Example of the subject moving the phantom limb. Notice the small movements of the stump (HD video):