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MATLAB code for real time EEG-based BMI using Kalman Filter for prediction

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NEUROLEG - An EEG-based BMI for closed-loop control (Kalman filter) of an external prosthesis/end effector

For part of my PhD dissertation project, I developed a real-time EEG-based brain-machine interface that was used by lower limb amputees to control a custom powered-knee prosthesis. We recruited several below-the-knee amputees to participate in a two part study: an offline study that used EEG, EMG, IMU-based motion capture, and fMRI to study the representation of the phantom limb, and a second study that focused on EEG-based closed-loop control. This was an exciting project and we hope to publish the detailed protocol and results soon! This repo provides the source code for the real-time EEG-based BMI. Some of the main features are:

Main Features

  • Real time streaming into MATLAB:
    • EEG from BrainAmp DC (Brain Products GmbH)
    • Goniometers and EMG from Biometrics DataLOG (The data don't actually matter. The streaming is the same for any inputs to the device.)
    • IMUs using an OPAL system (APDM)
  • A MATLAB-based OOP implementation of:
    • Kalman filter class for linear and unscented implementations (formulation based off of paper by Li et al, 2009)
    • Kernel ridge regression w/a RBF kernel
  • A simple but useful PID controller in Arduino/Teensy
  • An example for using Arduino/Teensy to sync multiple systems

An example of EMG-based continuous control using a simple linear Kalman filter

For this I would do a few leg movements and train a filter. Not a perfect mapping but it was pretty fun for how quickly I could go from no model to real-time control.


Here is a basic overview of the experiment/program:

  • The subject was instrumented with EEG, EMG, IMUs, and goniometers.
  • They were seated in front of a monitor where they performed a series of movement tasks according to the cues and timing presented on the screen. These included movements of the intact and phantom knee and bilateral hand movements as a control. I like this example showing the EMG activations from the stump (not visible) matching the stimulus movement pattern.

  • For realtime experiments, the subject performed a series of training trials where they followed the path of the moving dot.
  • A Kalman filter was trained to predict the position of their limb from the EEG and EMG signals.
  • The subjects were given a few trials to perform EMG-control of the device.
  • After several trials, the control was shifted from EMG to EEG control.

Screenshot of GUI

Directory structure

The real-time interface was developed using MATLAB since several of the key components were already written there. The main GUI is /rtc/NEUROLEG_GUI.m, which was used to set up the experiment parameters and call all of the required functions.

├── _inprogress           # Functions currently in progress
├── dependencies          # Contains a few dependencies. Some may be unneeded but needs to be double checked
├── images                # Images/videos. Mostly for demonstration purposes
├── misc                  # Contains EEG montage
├── ...
├── rtc                                                # CONTAINS ALL THE CODE FOR REAL TIME CONTROL (RTC)
│   ├── NEUROLEG_GUI.fig                               # Figure file for MATLAB GUI - built with GUIDE
│   ├── NEUROLEG_GUI.m                                 # Main GUI for running real time 
│   ├── Neuroleg_Movement_Demo.m                       # Demo file
│   ├── Neuroleg_PIDcontrol_JB                         # PID control in Arduino for leg prosthesis
│   ├── Neuroleg_RTControl_Demo.m                      # Demo file RTC
│   ├── XBee_TriggerBox_MAIN_PsychtoolboxProtocol_JB   # Arduino code for trigger box used to sync systems
│   ├── ...
│   └── neuroleg_gui_functions                         # RTC CODE CALLED BY NEUROLEG_GUI
├── ...
└── utils                                              # CONTAINS KALMAN FILTER, BW FILTER, CLEANING FUNCTIONS, ETC..

Real time functions called by GUI

For clarity, I want to break down a few of the folders in more detail. After running /rtc/NEUROLEG_GUI.m, the following scripts are called in order:

├── ...
├── rtc
│   ├── ...
│   └── neuroleg_gui_functions 
│       └── ... description below ...
No. Function Purpose Notes
1 neuroleg_realtime_setup Defines defaults Used to fill defaults when opening GUI; sets all filter params
2 neuroleg_realtime_params2handles Set defaults Puts defaults into handles to pass around GUI
3 neuroleg_realtime_parsehandles Unpacks defaults Parses handles; called in training and testing
4 build_movement_fig Builds movement figure Calls WindowAPI for positioning window
5 neuroleg_realtime_stream Streams data Initalizes streaming from all devices; run for each leg - used to get training data
6 neuroleg_realtime_train Trains prediction model Uses streamed data to build Kalman filter for EEG and EMG prediction of movement (./utils/KalmanFilter/)
7 neuroleg_realtime_control Real time control, baby! Calls 3-5 then uses trained model from 6 to control leg. Shows stimulus movement pattern
8 neuroleg_realtime_freemove Free movement RTC Calls 3-5 then uses trained model from 6 to control leg. Does not provided stimulus. Allows for continuous unconstrained control.

Additional useful/necessary functions for real-time control and offline analysis

In addition to the real time control functions used by the GUI, there are a number of scripts in the ./utils folder that are used in real time and can be used for offline:

No. Function Purpose Notes
1 KalmanFilter. Linear and unscented Kalman Filter Training, grid-search parameter optimization, and prediction
2 KernelRidgeRegression Ridge regression w/RBF kernel Training, grid-search parameter optimization, and prediction
3 Orientation_Estimation Orientation estimation from IMUs Used w/OPAL system for orientation estimation
4 align_data Data alignment Given data and markers perform alignment
5 biometrics_datalog MATLAB class for Biometrics DataLOG Used to initialize and stream data from Biometrics via OnLineInterface64.dll
6 blindcolors Color blind colors Colorblind friendly colors from Points of view: Color blindness
7 hinfinity EEG artifact removal Used for real-time and offline artifact removal of ocular artifacts. See original paper
8 filterdata zero-phase filtering Mainly used for offline analysis to implement zero-phase Butterworth filter
9 loadBiometrics Load Biometrics data offline Used for offline analysis
10 loadOpal Load OPAL data offline Used for offline analysis not real time streaming
11 make_ss_filter state-space BW filter Gets state-space implementation Butterworth filter. Real-time compatible causal filter for sample-by-sample filtering.
12 use_ss_filter use state-space filter Apply state-space filter from make_ss_filter to data
12 readcaptrak read Brainvision .bvct file Used to parse the XML format .bvct files from Brainvision captrak system
13 resampledata Resample two time series Resample one time series to another given their sampling rates
14 rescale_data Rescale data Rescale data between two values

Example of the offline experiments where the subject is moving the intact limb (HD video):

An example of EMG-based continuous control using a simple linear Kalman filter

Example of the subject moving the phantom limb. Notice the small movements of the stump (HD video):


MATLAB code for real time EEG-based BMI using Kalman Filter for prediction






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