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Firebase/GCP configuration and components for our digital platform


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JAC Digital Platform

This repository contains backend components and configuration of the JAC digital platform.

We have kept folder and file names closely aligned to the corresponding Firebase and Google Cloud services..


See database/firestore.rules for our Firestore database rules.

See database/realtime.rules.json for our Realtime Database rules.

See database/firestore.indexes.json for our current indexes.


See storage/storage.rules for our current rules.


See functions/backgroundFunctions for our functions which are triggered when defined events happen.

See functions/callableFunctions for our HTTPS callable functions.

See functions/scheduledFunctions for functions triggered according to a pre-defined schedule.

Local development


You must be running Node.js 10.

You can use nvm or Homebrew to manage installed Node.js versions.

Firebase CLI

You'll need the Firebase Command Line Interface (CLI) installed to interact with the staging and production projects on Firebase.

Install the Firebase CLI:

npm install -g firebase-tools

Then sign in with your Google account:

firebase login

Configure Firebase CLI to use the staging environment:

firebase use staging

Install project dependencies

Install dependencies for Cloud Functions:

cd functions
npm install

Deploy a single function to develop

npx firebase deploy --project=digital-platform-develop --only functions:exportApplicationCharacterIssues

Deploy to staging

Deploy to staging using the Firebase CLI:

firebase deploy --project staging

You can also use CircleCI to deploy to staging.

Just prefix your branch name with staging- and every new push will automatically deploy to staging.

You can also perform partial deployments to only update specific apps, Cloud Functions or Firebase services.

Deploy to production

We use CircleCI to deploy to production.

Open a Pull Request to merge your code into the master branch.

Once approved, merge your Pull Request and it'll be deployed to production automatically.

Firebase Emulator

To run the emulator on your local machine, create a ./data/firestore.json file with the contents of []. Install the dependency for this script globally:

npm install -g node-firestore-import-export Once installed, you can run npm run db:export to get a copy of the current digital-platform-develop repository, which will save a deep copy of the entire firestore DB into the /data/firestore.json file. Be aware this does cause a read for every document collection on google cloud. Set up the emulators by running npm run firestore which will just boot up the firestore gcloud emulation. You may need to install this by following this guide. This will run on port 8282 to avoid port conflicts. The interface, however, will run on 4000 as normal. Once the emulator is running, you may import the local copy made into the emulator with npm run db:emulator:import This command will set the environment variables and import into the local copy. You only need to do this once, data will be re-exported and then automatically imported on restart of the firestore emulator. To run the jest tests with npm run test:rules against your local emulator, you'll have to export or set the environment variable. set FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8282 export FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST="localhost:8282" depending on your operating system.

Running an emulated firebase database locally

firebase emulators:start --only functions

Running a tests on an emulated firebase database locally

firebase emulators:exec "npm run test:functions"

Running a JS script in the nodeScripts folder

on Unix or Mac

npm run nodeScript createApplications.js

on Windows

SET SCRIPT=createApplications.js && npm run nodeScriptOnWindows

SET SCRIPT=exportApplicationCharacterIssues.js && npm run nodeScriptOnWindows