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Sanity Dashboard Widget: Github Actions

Sanity Studio Dashboard Widget for triggering Github Actions. Implementation is very basic, sending a request to Github via their webhook API, which doesn't make it easy to check status. If request fails, you'll see an error. If successful, it's silent.


  1. User feedback on request status per SiteItem
  2. Figure out how to track status of the Action, so we can see when the Action is complete

PRs welcome


Install the dashboard plugin

To get dashboard support in Sanity Studio in general:

sanity install @sanity/dashboard

Install the Github Actions widget plugin

sanity install dashboard-widget-github-actions


  1. Implement your own dashboardConfig. In your sanity.json file, append the following line to the parts array:
  "implements": "part:@sanity/dashboard/config",
  "path": "src/dashboardConfig.js"
  1. Create the file src/dashboardConfig.js and include the github-actions widget config like this:
export default {
  widgets: [
      name: 'github-actions',
      options: {
      title: 'My Github Actions deploys',
      sites: [
              title: 'Staging',
              githubRepo: 'myrepo',
              githubRepoOwner: 'myrepoowner',
              githubToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
              eventType: 'deploy-web-staging',
              url: ''
              title: 'Production',
              githubRepo: 'myrepo',
              githubRepoOwner: 'myrepoowner',
              githubToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
              eventType: 'deploy-web-production',
              url: ''

Widget options

title - Override the widget default title

sites[] - Your Github Actions sites to show deploys for

  • title - Site title
  • githubRepo - Name of the Github repo that contains the github action
  • githubRepoOwner - Name of the Github repo owner
  • githubToken - Github personal acces**s token, with repo privileges (Docs)
  • eventType - Event type, specified in the repository_dispatch block of your Github Action workflow file. Example below.
  • eventPayload - JSON string event payload. If specified, it will be passed to the Github Action event

Github Action workflow: event type example

    types: deploy-web-staging

Developing on this module

To simulate using your development version as a real module inside a studio, you can do the following:

  • Run npm install && npm link from the root of this repository.
  • Run npm run watch to start developing and build the module when changes are made.

Displaying your development version inside a studio

With the mono-repo's test-studio:

  • Bootstrap the monorepo: npm run bootstrap
  • Add sanity-plugin-dashboard-widget-github-actions with the current version number to package.json in the test-studio root folder (but don't run npm install afterwards)
  • Run npm link sanity-plugin-dashboard-widget-github-actions inside the mono-repo's root.
  • Restart the test-studio

With a regular Sanity Studio:

  • Run npm install
  • Add sanity-plugin-dashboard-widget-github-actions with the current version number to package.json.
  • Run npm link sanity-plugin-dashboard-widget-github-actions
  • Start the studio

When you are done and have published your new version, you can run npm unlink inside this repo, and npm unlink sanity-plugin-dashboard-widget-github-actions inside the mono-repo or studio to get back to the normal state. Then run npm run bootstrap for the mono-repo or npm install inside the regular studio to use the published version.


Sanity Studio Dashboard Widget for triggering Github Actions








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