Integrate Speech framework and WaveformView(by jyunderwood)
This project is currently pre-release. Some features or api interface may change frequently
Note: Instructions below are for using SwiftPM without the Xcode UI. It's the easiest to go to your Project Settings -> Swift Packages and add BSSpeechRecognizer from there.
To integrate using Apple's Swift package manager, without Xcode integration, add the following as a dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.1.0"))
- iOS 11
- add the “Privacy - Speech Recognition Usage Description” key (NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription) to your app’s Info.plist file
- add the “Privacy - Microphone Usage Description” key (NSMicrophoneUsageDescription) to your app’s Info.plist file
- Initialize a BSSpeechRecognizer
- resourceView should conform to BSSpeechDisplayView and will be use to handle the results of recognition
- waveView should conform to BSSpeechWaveView and will be use to handle the changes of audio level (0~1)
- There has a implemented waveView called BSWaveVisualizeView based on WaveformView-iOS by jyunderwood
- errorView should conform to BSSpeechErrorView and will be use to handle the Errors
- stateView should conform to BSSpeechStateView and will be use to handle the changes of recognizer available state
let recognizer = BSSpeechRecognizer(
presenter: BSSpeechRecognizeWaveViewPresenter(
resourceView: self,
waveView: waveView,
errorView: self,
stateView: self)
@IBOutlet weak var waveView: BSWaveVisualizeView!
To Start recognize
System will ask Microphone and SpeechRecognition permissions when the first time start recoginzer.
func display(_ viewModel: BSSpeechDisplayViewModel)
struct BSSpeechDisplayViewModel {
var result: String
var isFinal: Bool
func updateWithLevel(_ level: CGFloat)
func display(_ viewModel: BSSpeechWaveViewModel)
struct BSSpeechWaveViewModel {
var duration: TimeInterval
var isShow: Bool
func display(_ viewModel: BSSpeechErrorViewModel)
struct BSSpeechErrorViewModel {
let message: String?
func display(_ viewModel: BSSpeechStateViewModel)
struct BSSpeechStateViewModel {
let isRecognizing: Bool
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.