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Simple parser for vue files

Using require-extension-hooks you can load .vue files in node, extremely helpful for browserless unit testing.


npm install require-extension-hooks require-extension-hooks-vue --save-dev


const hooks = require('require-extension-hooks');

let component = require('./components/app.vue');

rehv will convert <template> blocks into render functions for you.

You can load external templates and scripts:

<template src="./tpl.html"/>
<script src="./script.js"/>

You can also transpile templates in other languages:

<template lang="pug">...</template>

Just install the relevant library as you would for vue-loader:

npm install pug --save-dev

and rehv will pick it up.

For scripts in other languages:

<script lang="ts">...</script>

You will need to register a hook for that extension name:

/* transpile your script code here */

There will likely be additional hook libraries for script languages available soon

Custom Blocks

If you have custom blocks in your .vue files, you can parse then using require-extension-hooks. Blocks are available by hooking to the file type vue-block-(block name). The hook should return JavaScript code, in a string, which will be appended to the compiled .vue file.

A helper named COMPONENT_OPTIONS is available in on the plugin export to allow you to modify the exported component options object from the .vue file.

For example, for a <json></json> block to have its data available via this.json in the component, you could use a mixin:

const { COMPONENT_OPTIONS } = require('require-extension-hooks-vue');
hooks('vue-block-json').push(({ content }) =>
    `${COMPONENT_OPTIONS}.mixins = (${COMPONENT_OPTIONS}.mixins || []).concat({
        data: () => ({
            json: ${JSON.parse(content)}


You can automatically register the vue hook using the register file:


Which means you can register the module from cli tools:

mocha --require require-extension-hooks-vue/register


Set configuration options using the configure method:

const plugin = require('require-extension-hooks-vue');
plugin.configure({ transpileTemplates: false });


whether or not to automatically transpile templates that have a lang attribute


whether or not to set up source map support. This utilises the source-map-support library.