Application to forward messages from RabbitMQ to different Amazon services.
Key features:
- forwarding RabbitMQ message to AWS SNS topic
- forwarding RabbitMQ message to AWS SNS queue
- triggering AWS lambda function directly from RabbitMQ message
- automatic RabbitMQ reconnect
- message delivery assurance based on RabbitMQ persistency and AWS error handling
- dedicated dead-letter exchange and queue creation
- http health checks and restart functionality
The list of RabbitMQ sources and corresponding AWS target resources are stored in mapping file.
Sample of RabbitMQ -> SNS mapping file. All fields are required. Samples are located in examples directory.
"source" : {
"type" : "RabbitMQ",
"name" : "test-rabbit",
"connection" : "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/",
"topic" : "amq.topic",
"queue" : "test-queue",
"routingKeys" : ["#"]
"destination" : {
"type" : "SNS",
"name" : "test-sns",
"target" : "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:XXXXXXXX:test-forwarder"
Forwarder uses the following environment variables:
export MAPPING_FILE=/config/mapping.json
export AWS_REGION=region
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access_key
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret_key
export MappingType=file|api
export MappingEndpoint=
Specify amqps for the rabbit connection ub the mapping file:
"connection" : "amqps://guest:guest@localhost:5671/",
Additional environment variables for working with TLS and rabbit:
export CA_CERT=/certs/ca_certificate.pem
export CERT_FILE=/certs/client_certificate.pem
export KEY_FILE=/certs/client_key.pem
When making subscription to SNS -> SQS/HTTP/HTTPS set Raw message delivery
to ensure that json messages are not escaped.
make build
Using docker:
docker run \
-e MAPPING_FILE=/config/mapping.json \
-v $MAPPING_FILE:/config/mapping.json \
-p 8080:8080 \
Using docker-compose:
docker-compose up
docker-compose build --pull
docker-compose run --rm tests
make push
docker tag airhelp/rabbit-amazon-forwarder airhelp/rabbit-amazon-forwarder:$VERSION
docker push airhelp/rabbit-amazon-forwarder:$VERSION
Supervisor is a module which starts the consumer->forwarder pairs. Exposed endpoints:
- returns status if all consumers are runningAPP_URL/restart
- restarts all consumer->forwarder pairs