Website for composing and sharing Chiptunes.
Chiptunes are programs that create music by sending commands to an audio synthesizer. They offer a high level of control over the composition, but require a high level of precision. This makes Chiptune writing a great way to introduce music composition to anyone with a tech background: if you can push numbers into an array, you can write a song! The website is currently unfinished, but will provide the following features:
- User authentication (register / login / logout)
- A song editor
- Can play chiptunes made with the editor
- Save and Load songs
- Publish songs
- Share songs via url
- View user profiles with published songs
The website is built from the cloud server up, using the following technologies:
- Amazon Cloud: hosting
- NginX: TSL, static file serving, reverse proxy
- Postgres: database
- Node.js, Express: HTTP server, CRUD operations
- Vue.js: front-end framework
- JacobABrennan/APU: audio synthesizer
A live demo exists at