© Vidarium, 2017
This folder contains the necessary files to replicate the results presented in the following paper:
Eliana P. Velásquez-Mejía, Jacobo de la Cuesta-Zuluaga & Juan S. Escobar. Impact of DNA extraction, sample dilution, and reagent contamination on 16S rRNA gene sequencing of human feces. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. DOI: 10.1007/s00253-017-8583-z
kitome.batch: file containing all the Mothur commands to process raw DNA sequences (fastq files, available at the NCBI’s Short Read Archive under BioProject PRJNA385915).
kitome.logfile: Mothur's logfile produced by running kitome.batch.
kitome.final.Rscript: R script for reproducing the analyses presented in the paper.
All other files are necessary for running kitome.final.Rscript.
Contact: jsescobar@serviciosnutresa.com