© Vidarium, 2018
Code used in the statistical analyses of the paper:
de la Cuesta-Zuluaga J, Corrales-Agudelo V, Velásquez-Mejía EP, Carmona JA, Abad JM, Escobar JS. 2018. Gut microbiota is associated with obesity and cardiometabolic disease in a population in the midst of Westernization. Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-29687-x. www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-29687-x
There are two main R scripts:
- Microbio_code.R: corresponds to the main code that served to analyze the Colombian dataset
- curated_metagenomes.R: corresponds to the code employed in the meta-analysis of benchmark metagenomic datasets (see curatedMetagenomicData at https://waldronlab.github.io/curatedMetagenomicData/)
There is a folder with input files (files)
There is a folder with files necessary to run the metagenomic inference with GOmixer (Gomixer)
There is a folder with reference files necessary to run the metagenomic inference with Tax4Fun (SILVA123)
Contact: jsescobar@serviciosnutresa.com