Piki is a results-management system for IFSC-format climbing competitions. Piki allows some customization for organizations who wish to modify the competition format: administrators can designate the number of rounds in the competition, the quota of competitors for each round, and the number of boulders for each round in a Boulder competition. Piki's scoring system follows the IFSC rules and is not customizable.
A Piki system is currently hosted by Vimaly as piki.vimaly.com. Organizations wanting to use the service please read the help page within the system.
Piki is developed and tested only for use with the Google Chrome web browser. Piki may or may not work with other web browsers. Piki is built using the koru web application framework.
Server Dependencies:
- Unix-like
- Node.js v18.7.0 or above
- PostgreSQL v14 or above
Check out the project:
sudo -u postgres createuser -drs $USER
npm install
createdb pikidemo
To Demo the system:
./scripts/start-dev demo
Open localhost:3000
Use email su@example.com
and password changeme
to sign in.
To run the tests:
npm t
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Geoff Jacobsen geoffjacobsen@gmail.com