Simple Editor script which checks for common android build issues.
The idea with this "tool" is to make Android development less painful, especially when using multiple plugins, eg:
- Facebook SDK
- AdMob
- VoxelBusters Native plugins (Ultra pack)
- Chartboost
- other native plugins...
- Automatically change the minSDKVersion to the highest version in the xml files
- Set the build target version to the above version
- Mark the conflicting files
- Add buttons to open the files in the external editor (Mono, VS, etc..)
- Check for duplicate activities in the XML files. (This might already be done by the Unity merger)
- Check the SDK Manager if there are any updates.
- Check if all the SDK (Java, NDK, Android, etc..) paths are setup correctly
- Open the window (Menu bar->XGameDev->Android Fixer)
- Click 'Check android'
- Enable/Disable the checkboxes to show common android files
Solution: minSDKVersion are the same in the AndroidManifest.xml files Check the XML files, make sure the minSDKVersion
- Check the AAR and JAR files. looking for any files which looks like they might be the same, eg:
- android-support-v4 and support-v4
- support-annotations-24.0.0 and annotations
Not related to android, but general get this issue with cross-platform projects. Solution: in the link.xml file: