This package is a Julia implementation of the phase portrait ideas presented in Elias Wegert's book "Visual Complex Functions".
From the Julia command prompt:
There is so far one exported function, portrait
, and here I will try to detail its use. First we need function data over a grid.
using ComplexPhasePortrait
nx = 1000
x = range(-1, stop=1, length=nx)
Z = x' .+ reverse(x)*im
f = z -> (z - 0.5im)^2 * (z + 0.5+0.5im)/z
fz = f.(Z)
Now a basic phase plot.
img = portrait(fz)
Now for a basic plot using NIST coloring.
img = portrait(fz, ctype="nist")
Lines of constant phase are given by
img = portrait(fz, PTstepphase)
Lines of constant modulus are given by
img = portrait(fz, PTstepmod)
Finally, a conformal grid is given by
img = portrait(fz, PTcgrid)