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John Grosh edited this page Nov 13, 2020 · 9 revisions

πŸ“ƒ Youtube Playlists

To play a youtube playlist, all you need is the play command and a playlist link or playlist ID.


# Full Playlist URL
+ !play

# Playlist ID
+ !play PLUib4KwT0DMJaPgg_nr1ia8FY5JcXksvb

# Not a Playlist link! (notice the `watch?v=`)
- !play

πŸ“ƒ Local Playlists

Local playlists are .txt files found in the Playlists folder in the same folder as you are running the bot from. Each line of the file is a new entry, and entries can be:

  • links to youtube videos, soundcloud tracks, or online files
  • full or relative path to local files
  • links to youtube or soundcloud playlists
  • links to online streams or radio
  • searches, prefixed by ytsearch: for a youtube search and scsearch: for a soundcloud search

Lines starting with # or // are ignored for songs. To make a playlist automatically shuffle when loaded, add #shuffle or //shuffle on its own line somewhere in the playlist.

Example Playlist:

# This is an example playlist
# You can put this in your Playlists folder as example_playlist.txt

# The following line currently makes the playlist shuffle
# Remove this line entirely if you don't want shuffling
# shuffle

# youtube playlist id:

# searches
ytsearch:gorillaz dare audio
scsearch:lights metrognome

# direct link

Example Command:

!play playlist example_playlist

πŸ“ƒ Soundcloud Playlists

Just use the play command followed by the playlist link.


!play [link coming soon]

πŸ“ƒ Spotify

Unfortunately, Spotify's Terms of Service prevent playing music from Spotify. Please consider using a playlist converter such as to convert a Spotify playlist into a YouTube playlist.