MongoQueryResolver is an open-source library which makes querying and formating MongoDB databases easy. It runs on top of mongodb find function and can
- Include related models. (BelongsTo | HasOne | HasMany | HasAndBelongsToMany | ReferencesMany)
- Do nested queries with infinite recursion
- Formating
- [Lodash] - A modern JavaScript utility library.
- [MongoDB] - A general purpose, document-based, distributed database.
MongoQueryResolver requires Node.js v10+ to run.
$ npm i mongoqueryresolver -s
Let's assume we have few collections:
Author: { firstName, lastName, _id, age, phone, email }
Book: { title, description, _id, rating, storeId, publishedDate }
AuthorBook: { authorId, bookId, _id }
Store: { name, adrress, _id, zipcode, }
Tag: { name, authorIds, _id }
Basic Example
const MQR = require('mongoqueryresolver');
(async function () {
const db = await MQR.init("mongodb://localhost:27017/testdb");
const authors = await MQR.filter({
collection: "Author",
limit: 3,
where: {
age: { $gt: 18 }
fields: [
field: "Age",
value: "age"
"firstName": "Sylvester",
"Age": 82
"firstName": "Kenny",
"Age": 72
"firstName": "Emerson",
"Age": 20
More realistic Example
const MQR = require('mongoqueryresolver');
(async function(){
const db = await MQR.init("mongodb://localhost:27017/testdb");
let authors = await MQR.filter({
collection: "Author",
limit: 2,
fields: [
field: "type",
value: "Author",
resolve: false
field: "stores",
value: "books.$.store",
makeUnique: true,
uniqBy: "name"
field: "books",
value: "books.$.title"
include: {
books: {
relation: "hasAndBelongsToMany",
collection: "Book",
foreignKey: "authorId",
relationKey: "bookId",
through: "AuthorBook",
scope: {
include: {
store: {
relation: "belongsTo",
collection: "Store",
foreignKey: "storeId",
scope: {
fields: [
field: "Street Address",
value: "address"
"_id": 16,
"firstName": "Aiden",
"lastName": "Lebsack",
"age": 32,
"phone": "1-913-163-0599",
"email": "",
"type": "Author",
"stores": [
"name": "Purdy Inc",
"Street Address": "97735 Klein Plain"
"name": "Boyle, Wintheiser and Runte",
"Street Address": "8992 Rosalia Trail"
"name": "Considine and Sons",
"Street Address": "0716 Crist Dam"
"books": [
"Internal Paradigm Administrator",
"Direct Marketing Analyst",
"Forward Optimization Orchestrator"
"_id": 304,
"firstName": "Aiden",
"lastName": "Muller",
"age": 59,
"phone": "1-889-908-6466",
"email": "",
"type": "Author",
"stores": [
"name": "O'Reilly - Leannon",
"Street Address": "154 MacGyver Crossing"
"name": "Gutmann, Weissnat and Heidenreich",
"Street Address": "138 Brennon Shores"
"name": "Considine and Sons",
"Street Address": "0716 Crist Dam"
"name": "Toy, McClure and Konopelski",
"Street Address": "4174 Reynolds Greens"
"books": [
"Lead Solutions Engineer",
"Lead Branding Engineer",
"International Metrics Designer",
"Human Division Consultant"
Free Software, Hell Yeah!