API endpoint docs can be found here
bundle install
cp config/secrets.example.yml config/secrets.yml
cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
bundle exec rails db:setup
- Push up code here and in the web client to master
tape ansible deploy -l staging
ssh root@
cd ~/.. ./opt/letsencrypt/certbot-auto certificates
ssh root@
(Maybe. Try the renew step before stopping any of monit processes, they may not be needed)
monit stop unicorn
monit stop nginx
cd ~/.. ./opt/letsencrypt/certbot-auto renew --preferred-challenges http --standalone
gem install tape -v 1.5.5
(and remove/switch versions if need be) -
brew install ansible
tape ansible deploy
Yeah, this is fairly old code so just it's better just to work around these instead of changing things.
Processing by Api::SocialLinksController#index as JSON
LoadError (Unable to autoload constant Api::ProjectsController, expected /Users/jordanhammond/personal/portfolio-api/app/controllers/api/projects_controller.rb to define it):
In this case, it only happens locally. You can deploy just fine
On Digital Ocean, the corresponding web server is "portfolio--staging"