Releases: jainsujay02/classbuddi
Releases · jainsujay02/classbuddi
This is our first production release! This includes all the functionality stated in our readme page, including creating and updating user profiles, finding classes, and filtering students in the classes by year and interest.
From our first test build, the following bugs have been fixed:
- Fixed filtering by @SanjnaT41756 in #33
- make class labels consist by @ArshMalik02 in #34
- Fix discord URL by @ArshMalik02 in #35
Full Changelog: V1.0.0-test...V1.0.1
This pre-release version has all the functionality described in the readme implemented. The goal of this pre-release version is to thoroughly test the code and apply bug fixes if necessary.
What's in this release:
- Added router for the project by @ArshMalik02 in #1
- Footer Component Added by @jainsujay02 in #2
- Created Landing Page by @vanshita-g in #3
- Navbar by @ArshMalik02 in #5
- Backend by @ArshMalik02 in #9
- Profile Input Form by @jainsujay02 in #6
- Profile by @SanjnaT41756 in #7
- Profile Other and List of Saved Classes by @SanjnaT41756 in #4
- Search landing by @vanshita-g in #8
- Add MUI to LandingImage by @vanshita-g in #11
- Dashboard by @kimhnyn in #10
- Dashboard by @kimhnyn in #12
- Updated profileform by @jainsujay02 in #15
- About by @kimhnyn in #13
- App.js: Add about page route by @ArshMalik02 in #16
- add profile data to database by @SanjnaT41756 in #14
- Footer by @kimhnyn in #18
- Update Log In/Log out Style by @vanshita-g in #19
- Update Styling (Font-family) by @vanshita-g in #17
- Added Course Page by @jainsujay02 in #20
- Added function to handle image upload by @jainsujay02 in #21
- Update index.html with logo and description by @jainsujay02 in #23
- Add dynamic results for SearchFinding by @vanshita-g in #26
- Db workflow by @ArshMalik02 in #22
- DashboardProps by @kimhnyn in #25
- Persist state variables in Dashboard by @ArshMalik02 in #29
- Added ClassBuddi's Readme by @jainsujay02 in #27
- Profile pic by @ArshMalik02 in #30
- CoursePage filtering by @SanjnaT41756 in #24
- fix bug in filtering students by @ArshMalik02 in #31
- commented console log statements and unused component files by @jainsujay02 in #32
Full Changelog: