A sample runner for validating the Hibernate Data Repositories implementation against the Jakarta Data 1.0 TCK.
This uses the Hibernate ORM 6.6.6.Final release
The Java SE version in use needs to be 17 or higher.
- download https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/ee4j/data/jakartaee/staged/eftl/data-tck-1.0.0.zip
- unizip data-tck-1.0.0.zip
- cd data-tck-1.0.0/artifacts
- bash artifact-install.sh 1.0.0
- cd tools
- mvn install
- cd testjar
- mvn install
- cd runner
- mvn test
- cd runner-web
- mvn -Pinstall-wildfly clean process-sources
- mvn test