For the latest source code, see
is a library for writing asynchronous
servers and clients in Python, using Twisted
framework. Library is based on
txMsgpack, but some
improvements and fixes were made.
- user friendly API
- modular object model
- working timeouts and reconnecting
- connection pool support
- TCP, SSL, UDP and UNIX sockets
To use UNIX sockets with Python 3 please use Twisted framework 15.3.0 and above.
- msgpack-python
- Twisted
% pip install txmsgpackrpc
Debian packages are available on project's Releases page.
Computation of PI using Chudnovsky algorithm in subprocess. For details, see
Computation of PI with 5 places finished in 0.022390 seconds Computation of PI with 100 places finished in 0.037856 seconds Computation of PI with 1000 places finished in 0.038070 seconds Computation of PI with 10000 places finished in 0.073907 seconds Computation of PI with 100000 places finished in 6.741683 seconds Computation of PI with 5 places finished in 0.001142 seconds Computation of PI with 100 places finished in 0.001182 seconds Computation of PI with 1000 places finished in 0.001206 seconds Computation of PI with 10000 places finished in 0.001230 seconds Computation of PI with 100000 places finished in 0.001255 seconds Computation of PI with 1000000 places finished in 432.574457 seconds Computation of PI with 1000000 places finished in 402.551226 seconds DONE
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import defaultdict
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, utils
from twisted.python import failure
from txmsgpackrpc.server import MsgpackRPCServer
pi_chudovsky_bs = '''
Python3 program to calculate Pi using python long integers, binary
splitting and the Chudnovsky algorithm
See: for more
Nick Craig-Wood <>
import math
from time import time
def sqrt(n, one):
Return the square root of n as a fixed point number with the one
passed in. It uses a second order Newton-Raphson convgence. This
doubles the number of significant figures on each iteration.
# Use floating point arithmetic to make an initial guess
floating_point_precision = 10**16
n_float = float((n * floating_point_precision) // one) / floating_point_precision
x = (int(floating_point_precision * math.sqrt(n_float)) * one) // floating_point_precision
n_one = n * one
while 1:
x_old = x
x = (x + n_one // x) // 2
if x == x_old:
return x
def pi_chudnovsky_bs(digits):
Compute int(pi * 10**digits)
This is done using Chudnovsky's series with binary splitting
C = 640320
C3_OVER_24 = C**3 // 24
def bs(a, b):
Computes the terms for binary splitting the Chudnovsky infinite series
a(a) = +/- (13591409 + 545140134*a)
p(a) = (6*a-5)*(2*a-1)*(6*a-1)
b(a) = 1
q(a) = a*a*a*C3_OVER_24
returns P(a,b), Q(a,b) and T(a,b)
if b - a == 1:
# Directly compute P(a,a+1), Q(a,a+1) and T(a,a+1)
if a == 0:
Pab = Qab = 1
Pab = (6*a-5)*(2*a-1)*(6*a-1)
Qab = a*a*a*C3_OVER_24
Tab = Pab * (13591409 + 545140134*a) # a(a) * p(a)
if a & 1:
Tab = -Tab
# Recursively compute P(a,b), Q(a,b) and T(a,b)
# m is the midpoint of a and b
m = (a + b) // 2
# Recursively calculate P(a,m), Q(a,m) and T(a,m)
Pam, Qam, Tam = bs(a, m)
# Recursively calculate P(m,b), Q(m,b) and T(m,b)
Pmb, Qmb, Tmb = bs(m, b)
# Now combine
Pab = Pam * Pmb
Qab = Qam * Qmb
Tab = Qmb * Tam + Pam * Tmb
return Pab, Qab, Tab
# how many terms to compute
DIGITS_PER_TERM = math.log10(C3_OVER_24/6/2/6)
N = int(digits/DIGITS_PER_TERM + 1)
# Calclate P(0,N) and Q(0,N)
P, Q, T = bs(0, N)
one = 10**digits
sqrtC = sqrt(10005*one, one)
return (Q*426880*sqrtC) // T
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
digits = int(sys.argv[1])
pi = pi_chudnovsky_bs(digits)
def set_timeout(deferred, timeout=30):
def callback(value):
if not watchdog.called:
return value
watchdog = reactor.callLater(timeout, defer.timeout, deferred)
class ComputePI(MsgpackRPCServer):
def __init__(self):
self.waiting = defaultdict(list)
self.results = {}
def remote_PI(self, digits, timeout=None):
if digits in self.results:
return defer.succeed(self.results[digits])
d = defer.Deferred()
if digits not in self.waiting:
subprocessDeferred = self.computePI(digits, timeout)
def callWaiting(res):
waiting = self.waiting[digits]
del self.waiting[digits]
if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
func = lambda d: d.errback(res)
func = lambda d: d.callback(res)
for d in waiting:
return d
def computePI(self, digits, timeout):
d = utils.getProcessOutputAndValue('/usr/bin/python', args=('-c', pi_chudovsky_bs, str(digits)))
def callback((out, err, code)):
if code == 0:
pi = int(out)
self.results[digits] = pi
return pi
return failure.Failure(RuntimeError('Computation failed: ' + err))
if timeout is not None:
set_timeout(d, timeout)
return d
def main():
server = ComputePI()
reactor.listenTCP(8000, server.getStreamFactory())
if __name__ == '__main__':
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import time
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, task
from twisted.python import failure
def main():
from txmsgpackrpc.client import connect
c = yield connect('localhost', 8000, waitTimeout=900)
def callback(res, digits, start_time):
if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
print('Computation of PI with %d places failed: %s' %
(digits, res.getErrorMessage()), end='\n\n')
print('Computation of PI with %d places finished in %f seconds' %
(digits, time.time() - start_time), end='\n\n')
defers = []
for _ in range(2):
for digits in (5, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000):
d = c.createRequest('PI', digits, 600)
d.addBoth(callback, digits, time.time())
# wait for 30 seconds
yield task.deferLater(reactor, 30, lambda: None)
yield defer.DeferredList(defers)
except Exception:
import traceback
if __name__ == '__main__':
Example servers join to group and listen on port 8000. Their only
method echo
returns its parameter.
Client joins group to, sends multicast request to group on port 8000 and waits for 5 seconds for responses. If some responses are received, protocol callbacks with tuple of results and individual parts are checked for errors. If no responses are received, protocol errbacks with TimeoutError.
Because there is no common way to determine number of peers in group, MsgpackMulticastDatagramProtocol always wait for responses until waitTimeout expires.
$ # setup multicast routing
$ ip route add dev eth0
$ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
$ # start servers listening on port 8000
$ python examples/ &
[1] 3584
$ python examples/ &
[2] 3585
$ python examples/ &
[3] 3586
$ python examples/ &
[4] 3587
$ python examples/ &
[5] 3588
$ # execute client
$ python examples/
Received results from 5 peers
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, task
from txmsgpackrpc.server import MsgpackRPCServer
class EchoRPC(MsgpackRPCServer):
def remote_echo(self, value, delay=None, msgid=None):
if delay is not None:
yield task.deferLater(reactor, delay, lambda: None)
def main():
server = EchoRPC()
reactor.listenMulticast(8000, server.getMulticastProtocol('', ttl=5),
if __name__ == '__main__':
from __future__ import print_function
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
def main():
from txmsgpackrpc.client import connect_multicast
c = yield connect_multicast('', 8000, ttl=5, waitTimeout=5)
data = {
'firstName': 'John',
'lastName': 'Smith',
'isAlive': True,
'age': 25,
'height_cm': 167.6,
'address': {
'streetAddress': "21 2nd Street",
"city": 'New York',
"state": 'NY',
'postalCode': '10021-3100'
'phoneNumbers': [
'type': 'home',
'number': '212 555-1234'
'type': 'office',
'number': '646 555-4567'
'children': [],
'spouse': None
results = yield c.createRequest('echo', data)
assert isinstance(results, tuple)
print('Received results from %d peers' % len(results))
for i, result in enumerate(results):
if result != data:
print('Result %d mismatch' % i)
except Exception:
import traceback
if __name__ == '__main__':