Get up and running with Large Language Models quickly, locally and even offline. This project aims to be the easiest way for you to get started with LLMs. No tedious and annoying setup required!
This is a hobby project. If you want a more complete experience, I suggest taking a look at this instead.
- Beautiful & intuitive UI: Inspired by ChatGPT, to enhance similarity in the user experience.
- Fully local: Stores chats in localstorage for convenience. No need to run a database.
- Fully responsive: Use your phone to chat, with the same ease as on desktop.
- Easy setup: No tedious and annoying setup required. Just clone the repo and you're good to go!
- Code syntax highligting: Messages that include code, will be highlighted for easy access.
- Copy codeblocks easily: Easily copy the highlighted code with one click.
- Download/Pull & Delete models: Easily download and delete models directly from the interface.
- Switch between models: Switch between models fast with a click.
- Chat history: Chats are saved and easily accessed.
- Light & Dark mode: Switch between light & dark mode.
To use the web interface, these requisites must be met:
- Download Ollama and have it running. Or run it in a Docker container. Check the docs for instructions.
- Node.js (18+) and npm is required. Download
- If Ollama is running on your pc:
docker run -d -p 8080:3000 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -e OLLAMA_URL=http://host.docker.internal:11434 --name nextjs-ollama-ui --restart always jakobhoeg/nextjs-ollama-ui:latest
- If Ollama is on a different server than the Web UI:
docker run -d -p 8080:3000 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -e OLLAMA_URL= --name nextjs-ollama-ui --restart always jakobhoeg/nextjs-ollama-ui:latest
You can also change the default 8080 port if you wish.
Use a pre-build package from one of the supported package managers to run a local environment of the web interface. Alternatively you can install from source with the instructions below.
If your frontend runs on something other than http://localhost
, you'll need to set the OLLAMA_ORIGINS to your frontend url.
This is also stated in the documentation:
Ollama allows cross-origin requests from and by default. Additional origins can be configured with OLLAMA_ORIGINS
1. Clone the repository to a directory on your pc via command prompt:
git clone
2. Open the folder:
cd nextjs-ollama-llm-ui
3. Rename the .example.env
to .env
mv .example.env .env
4. If your instance of Ollama is NOT running on the default ip-address and port, change the variable in the .env file to fit your usecase:
5. Install dependencies:
npm install
6. Start the development server:
npm run dev
5. Go to localhost:3000 and start chatting with your favourite model!
This is a to-do list consisting of upcoming features.
- ✅ Voice input support
- ✅ Code syntax highlighting
- ✅ Ability to send an image in the prompt to utilize vision language models.
- ✅ Ability to regenerate responses
- ⬜️ Import and export chats
NextJS - React Framework for the Web
TailwindCSS - Utility-first CSS framework
shadcn-ui - UI component built using Radix UI and Tailwind CSS
shadcn-chat - Chat components for NextJS/React projects
Framer Motion - Motion/animation library for React
Lucide Icons - Icon library
Medium Article - How to launch your own ChatGPT clone for free on Google Colab. By Bartek Lewicz.
Lobehub mention - Five Excellent Free Ollama WebUI Client Recommendations