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02 Input files

Jakob Troidl edited this page Dec 3, 2021 · 2 revisions

Barrio relies on two data files as input. The surfaces meshes of all neuronal structures and the volume of the original imaging data.

Surface meshes

The input file format must be one wavefront file containing triangulated surface meshes. The name of each object (o object_name) in the .obj must follow a strict naming convention.

structure naming convention explanation example
Dendrites DendriteXXX dendrite followed by a 3 digit number Dendrite023
Axons AxonXXX axon followed by a 3 digit number Axon123
Dendritic Mitochondria Mito_DXXX_YY mito number YY of dendrite XXX Mito_D001_01
Axonal Mitochondria Mito_AXXX_YY mito number YY of axon XXX Mito_A015_02
Inhibitory Synapses Syn_DXXXSYYAZZZBKK_I inhibitory synapse between DendriteXXX SpineYY and AxonZZZ BoutonKK Syn_D023S01A054B01_I
Excitatory Synapses Syn_AXXXSYYAZZZBKK_E excitatory synapse between DendriteXXX SpineYY and AxonZZZ BoutonKK Syn_D023S01A054B01_E


  • all names are case insensitive
  • anything additional connected to the object name separated with a _ will be ignored in the names
  • if meshes are exported as .obj files with blender, make sure that only these export options are set: Forward: X, Up: -Z, Apply Modifiers, Include Edges, Triangulate Faces, Objects as OBJ Objects.

Image data (EM or light microscopy)

Must be specified in the .raw file format. Use ImageJ to convert a stack of (.png, .tiff) images into a .raw volume.

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