I'm a passionate software developer specializing in web development. I enjoy working on open-source projects and continuously learning new technologies.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on web development projects.
- 🌱 I’m currently enhancing my skills in advanced algorithms and problem-solving techniques to improve my programming efficiency.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love creating small games and experimenting with algorithms!
- Programming Languages:
- Tools and Technologies:
- Project 1: Attractive food menu for a restaurant.
- Project 2: Music playing website.
- Project 3: Amazon clone.
- Project 4: Clone of Sundown website.
- Project 5: Landing page for a website.
- Project 6: Calculator.
- Project 1: Airport Security System (Python).
- Project 2: Calculator (Python).
- Project 3: Airport Management System (C).
- Project 4: Online Ticket Booking System (C).
- Project 5: Guess the Number Game (C).
- Project 6: Calculator (C).
- Project 7: Hostel Management System (C).
- Project 8: Stone Paper Scissors Game (C).
- Email: jalajsinghal25@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn Profile
- GitHub Projects: GitHub Repository
- Portfolio: My Portfolio
- Holopin Badges: My Badges