- Patch to fix Pangolin version updating when starting with a current local installation of pangolin v3.1.11 or below where the
flag did not exist. This prevents such error from exiting the entire pipeline and allowing for the software to be updated - Modified output when software versions do not match when assessing lineage output as opposed to exiting the program with an error outright
- Added Breseq parameters for minor variant thresholds to be defined by the user
- Defaults are set automatically for added Breseq parameters (see below), if not found in existing (i.e., previous versions of)
Updates to config.yaml
# Used as --polymorphism-minimum-variant-coverage-each-strand, --polymorphism-frequency-cutoff arguments
# Parameters needed to determine thresholds for minor variant detection
polymorphism_variant_coverage: 2
polymorphism_frequency: 0.05