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Collection classes that have the same interface


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Address classes

(interface) Address<V>

This interface represents a collection Set<V>. It means, Unique values can be stored in this collection instance. If the value implements the hashCode() method from @jamashita/anden, the value will be stored by its hash code. In case of hash code conflicts, the previous value will be overwritten. This interface extends the ReadonlyAddress<V>.

Address.prototype.add(value: V): Address<V>

Adds the given value to the collection.

(override) Address.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, void>): Address<W>

(override) Address.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, void>): Address<V>

This is an overridden version of the ReadonlyAddress.prototype.filter(predicate).

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): Address<W>

This is an overridden version of the

Address.prototype.remove(value: V): Address<V>

Removes the value that matches the given value from the collection.


This is an immutable class that implements Address<V>. It does not allow adding or removing values from the collection directly, but instead returns a new instance of the collection with the added or removed values.

ImmutableAddress.await<V>(address: ReadonlyAddress<PromiseLike<V>>): Promise<ImmutableAddress<V>>

Takes a ReadonlyAddress<PromiseLike<V>> and returns a single Promise<ImmutableAddress<V>> that resolves with a new instance of ImmutableAddress<V> containing the resolved values.

ImmutableAddress.empty<V>(): ImmutableAddress<V>

Returns an empty ImmutableAddress<V>.

ImmutableAdress.of<V>(collection: Collection<unknown, V>): ImmutableAddress<V>

Generates a new instance of ImmutableAddress<V> from the given collection.

ImmutableAdress.ofSet<V>(set: ReadonlySet<V>): ImmutableAddress<V>

Generates a new instance of ImmutableAddress<V> from the given set.

ImmutableAddress.prototype.add(value: V): ImmutableAddress<V>

Adds the given value to a new instance of ImmutableAddress<V>, instead of the current collection instance, and then returns the new instance.

(override) ImmutableAddress.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, void>): ImmutableAddress<W>

(override) ImmutableAddress.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, void>): ImmutableAddress<V>

This is an overridden version of the Address.prototype.filter(predicate).

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): ImmutableAddress<W>

This is an overridden version of the

ImmutableAddress.prototype.remove(value: V): ImmutableAddress<V>

Creates a new instance of ImmutableAddress<V> by removing the value that matches the given value from the current collection instance and then returns the new instance.


This is a mutable class that implements Address. It allows adding and removing values from the collection.

MutableAddress.await<V>(address: ReadonlyAddress<PromiseLike<V>>): Promise<MutableAddress<V>>

Takes a ReadonlyAddress<PromiseLike<V>> and returns a single Promise<MutableAddress<V>> that resolves with a new instance of MutableAddress<V> containing the resolved values.

MutableAddress.empty<V>(): MutableAddress<V>

Returns an empty MutableAddress<V>.

MutableAdress.of<V>(collection: Collection<unknown, V>): MutableAddress<V>

Generates a new instance of MutableAddress<V> from the given collection.

MutableAdress.ofSet<V>(set: ReadonlySet<V>): MutableAddress<V>

Generates a new instance of MutableAddress<V> from the given set.

MutableAddress.prototype.add(value: V): this

Adds the given value to the current collection instance and returns the current instance itself.

(override) MutableAddress.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, void>): MutableAddress<W>

(override) MutableAddress.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, void>): MutableAddress<V>

This is an overridden version of the Address.prototype.filter(predicate).

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): MutableAddress<W>

This is an overridden version of the

MutableAddress.prototype.remove(value: V): this

Removes the value that matches the given value from the collection and returns the current instance itself.

(interface) ReadonlyAddress<V>

This interface represents a read-only version of a Set<V> collection, meaning that values cannot be added or modified within the collection instance. If the value implements the hashCode() method from @jamashita/anden, the value will be stored based on its hash code. In case of hash code conflicts, the previous value will be overwritten. This interface extends Collection<void, V>.

(override) ReadonlyAddress.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, void>): ReadonlyAddress<W>

(override) ReadonlyAddress.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, void>): ReadonlyAddress<V>

This is an overridden version of the Collection.prototype.filter(predicate).

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): ReadonlyAddress<W>

This is an overridden version of the

ReadonlyAddress.prototype.has(value: :V): boolean

Returns true if the given value is contained in the collection.

ReadonlyAddress.prototype.toSet(): Set<V>

Returns a new Set<V> containing all the values in the collection.

Collection classes

(interface) Collection<K, V>

The common interface for Sequence<V>, Dictionary<K, V> and Address<V>. This interface provides common methods for manipulating multiple data. K represents the key of the collection and V represents the value of the collection. This interface also extends Iterable<[K, V]>.

(override) Collection.prototype[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]>

This method is invoked by the for-of loop. It allows iteration through the key-value pairs of the collection as tuples.

Collection.prototype.contains(value: V): boolean

Returns true if the given value is contained within this collection instance.

Collection.prototype.every(predicate: Predicate<V, K>): boolean

Returns true if every item in the collection satisfies the given predicate.

Collection.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, K>): Collection<K, W>

Collection.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, K>): Collection<K, V>

Returns a new collection containing only the items that satisfy the given predicate. The type of items in the new collection depends on whether the predicate is narrowing or not.

Collection.prototype.find<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, K>): Nulable<W>

Collection.prototype.find(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, K>): Nulable<V>

Returns the first value that satisfies the given predicate. If there are no items that satisfy the predicate, returns null.

Collection.prototype.forEach(foreach: ForEach<V, K>): void

Iterates through each item and applies the provided foreach once.

Collection.prototype.get(key: K): Nullable<V>

Returns the value of the specified key. If there is no value, return null.

Collection.prototype.isEmpty(): boolean

Returns true if this collection has no items.

Collection.prototype.iterator(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>

Returns an iterator that iterates over the key-value pairs in the collection.<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): Collection<K, W>

Applies the provided mapping to every item and updates the values to the returned result of the mapping.

Collection.prototype.size(): number

Returns the number of items in the collection.

Collection.prototype.some(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, K>): boolean

Returns true if at least one item in the collection satisfies the given predicate.

Collection.prototype.values(): IterableIterator<V>

Returns an iterator that iterates over the values in the collection.

Dictionary classes

(interface) Dictionary<K, V>

This interface represents a collection Map<K, V>. If the key implements hasCode() method from @jamashita/anden, the value will be able to stored by its hash code. In case of hash codes conflict, the previous value will be overwritten. This interface extends ReadonlyDictionary<V>.

(override) Dictionary.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, K>): Dictionary<K, W>

(override) Dictionary.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, K>): Dictionary<K, V>

This is an overridden version of the ReadonlyDictionary.prototype.filter(predicate).

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): Dictionary<K, W>

This is an overridden version of the

Dictionary.prototype.remove(key: K): Dictionary<K, V>

Removes the value that matches the given key from the collection.

Dictionary.prototype.set(key: K, value: V): Dictionary<K, V>

Sets or updates the given value to the specified key in the collection.

ImmutableDictionary<K, V>

This is an immutable class that implements Dictionary<K, V>. It does not allow adding or removing entries from the collection directly, but instead returns a new instance of the collection with the added or removed entries.

ImmutableDictionary.await<K, V>(dictionary: ReadonlyDictionary<K, PromiseLike<V>>): Promise<ImmutableDictionary<K, V>>

Takes a ReadonlyDictionary<K, PromiseLike<V>> and return a single Promise<ImmutableDictionary<K, V>> that resolves with a new instance of ImmutableDictionary<K, V> containing the resolved values.

ImmutableDictionary.empty<K, V>(): ImmutableDictionary<K, V>

Returns an empty ImmutableDictionary<K, V>.

ImmutableDictionary.of<K, V>(collection: Collection<K, V>): ImmutableDictionary<K, V>

Generates a new instance of ImmutableDictionary<K, V> from the given collection.

ImmutableAdress.ofMap<K, V>(map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>): ImmutableDictionary<K, V>

Generates a new instance of ImmutableDictionary<K, V> from the given map.

(override) ImmutableDictionary.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, K>): ImmutableDictionary<K, W>

(override) ImmutableDictionary.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, K>): ImmutableDictionary<K, V>

This is an overridden version of the Dictionary.prototype.filter(predicate).

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): ImmutableDictionary<K, W>

This is an overridden version of the

ImmutableDictionary.prototype.remove(key: K): ImmutableDictionary<K, V>

Creates a new instance of ImmutableDictionary<K, V> by removing the entry that matches the given key from the current collection instance and then returns the new instance.

ImmutableDictionary.prototype.set(key: K, value: V): ImmutableDictionary<K, V>

Sets or updates the given value for the specified key in a new instance of ImmutableDictionary<K, V>, instead of the current collection instance, and returns the new instance.

MutableDictionary<K, V>

This is an mutable class that implements Dictionary<K, V>.

MutableDictionary.await<K, V>(dictionary: ReadonlyDictionary<K, PromiseLike<V>>): Promise<MutableDictionary<K, V>>

Takes a ReadonlyDictionary<K, PromiseLike<V>> and returns a single Promise<MutableDictionary<K, V>> that resolves with a new instance of MutableDictionary<K, V> containing the resolved values.

MutableDictionary.empty<K, V>(): MutableDictionary<K, V>

Returns an empty MutableDictionary<K, V>.

MutableDictionary.of<K, V>(collection: Collection<K, V>): MutableDictionary<K, V>

Generates a new instance of MutableDictionary<K, V> from the given collection.

MutableAdress.ofMap<K, V>(map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>): MutableDictionary<K, V>

Generates a new instance of MutableDictionary<K, V> from the given map.

(override) MutableDictionary.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, K>): MutableDictionary<K, W>

(override) MutableDictionary.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, K>): MutableDictionary<K, V>

This is an overridden version of the Dictionary.prototype.filter(predicate).

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): MutableDictionary<K, W>

This is an overridden version of the

MutableDictionary.prototype.remove(key: K): this

Removes entry that matches the given key from the collection and returns the current instance itself.

MutableDictionary.prototype.set(key: K, value: V): this

Sets or updates the given value for the specified key to the current collection instance and returns the current instance itself.

(interface) ReadonlyDictionary<K, V>

This interface represents a read-only version of a Map<K, V> collection, which means that values cannot be added or modified within the collection instance. If the value implements hasCode() method from @jamashita/anden, the entry will be able to stored by its hash code. In case of hash codes conflict, the previous entry will be overwritten. This interface extends Collection<K, V>.

(override) ReadonlyDictionary.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, void>): ReadonlyDictionary<K, W>

(override) ReadonlyDictionary.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, void>): ReadonlyDictionary<K, V>

This is an overridden version of the Collection.prototype.filter(predicate).

ReadonlyDictionary.prototype.has(key: K): boolean

Returns true if the given key is contained in the collection.

ReadonlyDictionary.prototype.keys(): IterableIterator<K>

Returns an iterator that iterates over the keys in the collection.

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): ReadonlyDictionary<K, W>

This is an overridden version of the

ReadonlyDictionary.prototype.toMap(): Map<K, V>

Returns a new Map<K, V> containing all the entries in the collection.

Sequence classes


This is an immutable class that implements Sequence<V>.

ImmutableSequecne.await<V>(sequence: ReadonlySequence<PromiseLike<V>>): Promise<ImmutableSequence<V>>

Takes a ReadonlySequence<PromiseLike<V>> and return a single Promise<ImmutableSequence<V>>.

ImmutableSequence.empty<V>(): ImmutableSequence<V>

Returns an empty ImmutableSequence<V>.

ImmutableSequence.of<V>(collection: Collection<number, V>): ImmutableSequence<V>

Generates a new instance of ImmutableSequence<V> from the given collection.

ImmutableSequence.ofArray<V>(array: ReadonlyArray<V>): ImmutableSequence<V>

Generates a new instance of MutableSequence<V> from the given array.

ImmutableSequence.prototype.add(value: V): ImmutableSequence<V>

Adds the given value to a new instance of ImmutableSequence<V>, instead of the current collection instance, and then returns the new instance.

(override) ImmutableSequence.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, number>): ImmutableSequence<W>

(override) ImmutableSequence.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, number>): ImmutableSequence<W>

This is an overridden version of the Sequence.prototype.filter(predicate).

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): ImmutableSequence<W>

This is an overridden version of the

ImmutableSequence.prototype.remove(key: number): ImmutableSequence<V>

Creates a new instance of ImmutableSequence<V> by removing the value that matches the given key from the current collection instance and then returns the new instance.

ImmutableSequecne.prototype.set(key, number, value: V): ImmutableSequence<V>

Sets or updates the given value for the specified key in a new instance of ImmutableSequence<V> instead of the


This is an mutable class that implements Sequence<V>.

MutableSequecne.await<V>(sequence: ReadonlySequence<PromiseLike<V>>): Promise<MutableSequence<V>>

Takes a ReadonlySequence<PromiseLike<V>> and return a single Promise<MutableSequence<V>>.

MutableSequence.empty<V>(): MutableSequence<V>

Returns an empty MutableSequence<V>.

MutableSequence.of<V>(collection: Collection<number, V>): MutableSequence<V>

Generates a new instance of MutableSequence<V> from the given collection.

MutableSequence.ofArray<V>(array: ReadonlyArray<V>): MutableSequence<V>

Generates a new instance of MutableSequence<V> from the given array.

MutableSequence.prototype.add(value: V): this

Adds the given value to the current collection instance and returns the current instance itself.

(override) MutableSequence.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, number>): MutableSequence<W>

(override) MutableSequence.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, number>): MutableSequence<W>

This is an overridden version of the Sequence.prototype.filter(predicate).

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): MutableSequence<W>

This is an overridden version of the

MutableSequence.prototype.remove(key: number): this

Removes value that matches the given value from the collection and returns the current instance itself.

MutableSequecne.prototype.set(key, number, value: V): MutableSequence<V>

Sets or updates the given value for the specified key to the current collection instance and returns the current instance itself.

(interface) ReadonlySequence<V>

This interface represents a read-only version of a Array<V> collection, which means that values cannot be added or modified within the collection instance. This interface extends Collection<number, V>.

(override) ReadonlySequence.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, number>): ReadonlySequence<W>

(override) ReadonlySequence.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, number>): ReadonlySequence<W>

This is an overridden version of the Collection.prototype.filter(predicate).

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): ReadonlySequence<W>

This is an overridden version of the

ReadonlySequence.prototype.reduce(reducer: BinaryFunction<V, V, V>, initialValue?: V): V

Executes the given reducer on each item of this instance, passing in the return value from the calculation on the preceding item. The final result will be a single value. The initialValue is an optional parameter that can be used as a starting point for the reduction.

ReadonlySequence.prototype.sort(comparator: BinaryFunction<V, V, number>): ReadonlySequence<V>

Returns a new instance of ReadonlySequence<V> sorted according to the given comparator.

ReadonlySequence.prototype.toArray(): Array<V>

Returns a new Array<V> containing all the values in the collection.

(interface) Sequence<V>

This interface represents a collection Array<V>. This interface extends ReadonlySequence<V>.

Sequence.prototype.add(value: V): Sequence<V>

Adds the given value to the collection.

(override) Sequence.prototype.filter<W extends V>(predicate: NarrowingBinaryPredicate<V, W, number>): Sequence<W>

(override) Sequence.prototype.filter(predicate: BinaryPredicate<V, number>): Sequence<W>

This is an overridden version of the ReadonlySequence.prototype.filter(predicate).

(override)<W>(mapping: Mapping<V, W>): Sequence<W>

This is an overridden version of the

Sequence.prototype.remove(key: number): Sequence<V>

Removes the value at the specified key from the collection.

Sequecne.prototype.set(key, number, value: V): Sequence<V>

Sets or updates the given value at the specified key in the collection.




A typical tree that can contain below 2 kinds of data.


An interface that can be into string.


An interface that can be closure table.



A concrete class which nodes are SerializablieTreeObject.


A concrete class which nodes are StructurableTreeObject.
