Bash completion for ssh for Amazon AWS load balancers and instances
- You need a recent version of node.js (and npm, which in recent versions is packaged with node)
- Make sure your installation of node.js sets the NODE_PATH env variable and it points to your shared NPM node_modules directory
- Make sure your shared NPM modules bin directory is added to your path, typically /usr/local/share/npm/bin, but sometimes /usr/share/npm/bin (depending on your distribution of node)
npm install -g git://
Add the following to your bash profile
complete -C ssh-aws-completion ssh
Add the following to your .ssh/config file, replacing
- [USER] with the name of the default destination server username (can still be overridden by user@host)
- [PROXY-USER] with the name of the proxy user
Host %*
User [USER]
StrictHostKeyChecking no
ProxyCommand ssh-aws-completion-command [PROXY-USER] %h %p
Get a complete list of all load balancers
ssh %[TAB]
Once you have an individual load balancer completed, it will TAB complete on individual hosts
Get a complete list of all instances
ssh ^[TAB]