A Sidekiq-compatible background worker system, built on Keenser and using Redis for job persistence
See the demo for an example setup
In e.g. Jobs.hs
import Yesod.Worker
blah :: Worker Handler (Text, Int)
-- Worker name (should be unique), queue name, then arg list
blah = Worker "blah" "default" $ \(word, n) ->
-- Your long-running work goes here
-- N.B. this runs in the Yesod Handler monad, but doesn't have access to
-- anything request- or response- related. Under the hood, it's using
-- `unsafeHandler`, and may error if you try to e.g. redirect. A future
-- version will include a `Handler`-like monad stack which should be
-- safe from these sorts of errors.
replicateM_ n $ do
$(logWarn) word
liftIO . threadDelay $ 1000000
setup = do
register blah
-- register any other jobs you like
-- they need not have the same argument type
In Foundation.hs
import Yesod.Worker
data App = App
{ ...
, getWorkers :: Workers
instance YesodWorker App where
workers = getWorkers
In Application.hs
import Yesod.Worker
import Jobs
makeFoundation = do
getWorkers <- newWorkers
makeApplication foundation = do
unsafeHandler foundation $ do
bootWorkers setup
-- optionally, queue jobs on app boot:
enqueue blah ("queued at start", 2)
In e.g. Handlers/Whatever.hs
import Yesod.Worker
import Jobs
postHandlerR = do
enqueue blah ("na", 16)
Add a route
/workers WorkerR Workers getWorkers
and visit /workers
Over time, this page should expand to a Sidekiq-style administration panel, allowing for closer monitoring and options for retrying from the web UI.
Note that the Redis interface is already Sidekiq compatable, so you can literally use sidekiq/web
for monitoring as well.