- Smooth and fast cross platform Material Design Tabs for (react-native-paper)
- Tested on Android, iOS and the web
- Simple API
- Typesafe
- Scrollable and fixed
- Leading or top icon
- Performant
- Uses native components (react-native-viewpager)
- Great React Native Web support
- Implements official spec (material-design-spec)
Web demo: reactnativepapertabs.com
We want developers to be able to build software faster using modern tools like GraphQL, Golang and React Native.
Give us a follow on Twitter: RichardLindhout, web_ridge
Please contribute or donate so we can spend more time on this library.
yarn add react-native-paper-tabs react-native-pager-view
npm install react-native-paper-tabs react-native-pager-view
import {
} from 'react-native-paper';
import {
} from 'react-native-paper-tabs';
function Example() {
return (
// defaultIndex={0} // default = 0
// uppercase={false} // true/false | default=true | labels are uppercase
// showTextLabel={false} // true/false | default=false (KEEP PROVIDING LABEL WE USE IT AS KEY INTERNALLY + SCREEN READERS)
// iconPosition // leading, top | default=leading
// style={{ backgroundColor:'#fff' }} // works the same as AppBar in react-native-paper
// dark={false} // works the same as AppBar in react-native-paper
// theme={} // works the same as AppBar in react-native-paper
// mode="scrollable" // fixed, scrollable | default=fixed
// onChangeIndex={(newIndex) => {}} // react on index change
// showLeadingSpace={true} // (default=true) show leading space in scrollable tabs inside the header
// disableSwipe={false} // (default=false) disable swipe to left/right gestures
<TabScreen label="Explore" icon="compass">
<ExploreWitHookExamples />
<TabScreen label="Flights" icon="airplane" disabled>
<View style={{ backgroundColor: 'black', flex:1 }} />
// optional props
// onPressIn={() => {
// console.log('onPressIn explore');
// }}
// onPress={() => {
// console.log('onPress explore');
// }}
<View style={{ backgroundColor: 'red', flex:1 }} />
function ExploreWitHookExamples() {
const goTo = useTabNavigation();
const index = useTabIndex();
return (
<View style={{ flex:1 }}>
<Paragraph>Index: {index}</Paragraph>
<Button onPress={() => goTo(1)}>Go to Flights</Button>
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
- Simple form library for React Native with great UX for developer and end-user react-native-use-form
- Date and Time picker for React Native Paper: react-native-paper-dates
- Simple translations in React (Native): react-ridge-translations
- Simple global state management in React (Native): react-ridge-state
- 1 command utility for React Native (Web) project: create-react-native-web-application