Useful tips and tricks when creating shiny apps.
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Locator is a web-based Shiny app that empowers users to interact firsthand with CPS school year 2016-2017 data.
Copy and paste the following R commands to run the app locally on your machine:
# Install necessary packages
install.packages( c("shiny", "DT", "shinydashboard", "dplyr"
, "magrittr", "htmltools", "htmlwidgets"
, "sp", "splancs", "stringr", "rgeos"
, "devtools", "bitops", "RCurl", "rgdal"
) )
# install `leaflet` package from source
# for more info, click here:
devtools::install_github( "rstudio/leaflet" )
# Load necessary packages
library( shiny )
# Run shiny app from your R/RStudio Console
shiny::runUrl( url = ""
, subdir = "cps_locator"
Please check out the CPS Locator Version 3.0 Projects Board to get an update on the tasks remaining for this project.
Thank you everyone for your feedback and encouragement on this project!
Last updated on September 9, 2017
To learn how to enable your shiny app user to download all rows of a data frame, please click here.
Screenshot of Downloading All Rows from DT within Shiny