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#A qui profite la péréquation

A collaborative work from

Based on an idea of our client La Gazette Des Communes

The application is available here.


The backend API use Laravel framework. The requirements are:

  • PHP 5.3.x with library mcrypt activated
  • MySQL 5.x (it should work with other databases, but we only tested MySQL)


Database configuration

  • Update database configuration in application/config/database
  • Create a new database. Default configuration is perequations
  • Import into database the last *-perequations.sql file of the directory data/database

Cache configuration

By default, cache system uses the filesystem. Web server must have write access to the directory storage/cache

If you update data into the database, don't forget to update the cache directory.


Don't forget to activate gzip compression on the web server. Api sends lots of data so it will increase app performance.


La Gazette Des Communes, AngryKatze and Marie Coussin generously share their work to help the community.

Source code

The source code is available on this repository under licence GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3 (translation in multiple language is available on the website). We share the code of this application to help other media and developers to learn how to do such data visualisation. You can read, modify, distribute our code if you keep your code open-source as well.

You'll find the data visualisation code in application/assets/coffee/ and API code in bundles/api.


Data computed by Marie Coussin are also available on the repository in 3 different formats in data/database.

  • Publication date : 27/06/2013
  • Source : Directon générale des collectivités locales
  • Temporal coverage : 2012
  • Update frequency : Annual
  • Licence : Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0 [summary]
  • Language : French (see data-description.txt for translation)
  • Geographic coverage : Metropolitan France
  • Files format : csv, sql, ods

The complete file description is available in data/database/data-description.txt.

If you use our code or data, we'll be happy to here about it so please ping us on twitter !

If you have any question, please contact us on twitter @AngryKatze