Statistical significance calculator for A/B Testing
Quick and dirty PHP code for calculating statistical significance for A/B testing.
Include it in your project or use it as you require.
Use require_once('ab-testing-calculator.php');
and calculate()
to check whether your A/B test is statistically significant or not.
Let's imagine we run an A/B test for A (control) versus B (variant).
A has 15 visitors and 2 conversions (13.33% conversion rate) and B has 15 visitors with 6 conversions (40% conversion rate.)
So, we run:
calculate(15, 2, 15, 6);
Output to STDOUT is as below:
$ php ab-testing-example-1.php
Split and AB Testing Confidence Calculator
Treatment | Visitors Treated | Conversions | Conversion Rate | Z-Score | Confidence
Control | 15 | 2 | 13.33 | |
Treatment | 15 | 6 | 40% | 1.7320508075689 | 96%
Feel free to edit this proof of concept as you see fit.
I wrote it to demonstrate the risks of calling 'statistical significance' with a low sample set. As you can see from the example above, the example is 'technically' statistically significant from a mathematical point of view but with a sample size this small, flukes do happen.
The morale of the story: make sure your sample sizes are a reasonable size and it's better to test for too long, than not long enough.
It's also useful demonstrating and better understanding some of the mathematics beind A/B testing statistical significance.