Doddle is a background job system designed to make scheduling jobs in Java as simple as possible without being tied to a particular framework or storage provider. It's a doddle!
It is currently a WIP, it is not stable or ready to be used in any production setting.
Out-the-box, Doddle comes with the following features:
- Enqueue jobs immediately or in the future
- Queues with a given priority
- Scheduled jobs, otherwise knows as, CRONs
- Encryption of job arguments and key rotation
- Retry and back-off strategies (e.g. jitter, linear etc.)
- REST API to fetch information about jobs
- Storage (only PostgreSQL is supported for the moment) and java framework agnostic
- Middleware to modify the execution pipeline of a job
- Circuit breaker to protect the underlying storage layer
- Telemetry (listen to jobs events such as job created, executing, failed etc.)
- Job progress and logging
- Web dashboard (in progress!)
public void processOrders(final ExecutionContext context) {
final var tenantId = context.argument("tenantId").asString();
final var orders = orderService.getOrdersForTenantId(tenantId);
final var progress = context.progress(orders.size());
// let's process some orders!
for (final var order: orders) {
progress.advance();"Currently processed {}% of orders", progress.percentage());
}"Finished processing orders");
Documentation can be found here.