- Clone the repo and create a new branch
git clone https://github.com/jamiesonbates/heroku-hello-world
cd heroku-hello-world
npm install
git checkout -b heroku
NOTE: you should be in the project directory when deploying to Heroku.
- Create a "Heroku app" (replace USERNAME with your name)
heroku apps:create USERNAME-heroku-hello-world
NOTE: if you do not have a Heroku account, create one. If you have never deployed to Heroku from the command line before, you may have to sign in with your Heroku credentials.
- Inspect properties in your new Heroku production environment!
heroku apps:info
NOTE: you should see information about the app you just created, including the name you gave.
- Set the version of Node you want Heroku to run. Find out which version you were using when developing the app:
node -v
Add the following code to your package.json file. Place the version number where 'DEV_VERSION' is currently:
"engines": {
NOTE: This piece of configuration will tell Heroku what version of Node you want to run.
- Add 'postgresql' to your Heroku production environment. Add:
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql
View information about the database you just created.
heroku pg:info
- Specify the connection URL to the production database within
production: {
client: 'pg',
connection: process.env.DATABASE_URL
- Add a script in
so that Heroku automatically migrates your database.
"scripts": {
"knex": "knex",
"heroku-postbuild": "knex migrate:latest"
- Add a Procfile, which Heroku will use to start your server in the production environment.
echo 'web: node index.js' > Procfile
NOTE: index.js
is the file which contains your express server.
- Test that everything works with
, which works similarly to Heroku. Install foreman.
npm install --save-dev foreman
Update the scripts section of your package.json
file so that it looks as follows:
"scripts": {
"knex": "knex",
"heroku-postbuild": "knex migrate:latest",
"nf": "nf start",
"nodemon": "nodemon index.js"
Start your server locally with foreman
npm run nf
NOTE: if your server does not show any errors, you should be good to go!
- Generate a secret
in your production environment.
bash -c 'heroku config:set JWT_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 64)'
- Add, commit, and push to heroku
git add .
git commit -m 'Prepare the heroku!'
git checkout master
git merge heroku
git br -d heroku
git push heroku master
NOTE: git will only push changes that have been committed.
- Inspect the production environment again and seed your database. Inspect the results of the following:
heroku apps:info
heroku pg:info
Login to the production database and verify that your migrations and seeds have run properly
heroku pg:psql
`SELECT * FROM cities`
NOTE: you won't see a list of cities as results.
Seed your database:
heroku run knex seed:run
Print your server logs (what is happening in the server):
heroku logs
Send an httpie request to GET cities
http GET <INSERT NAME OF APP HERE>.herokuapp.com